Caged Wings Ch.11

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Pancakes for breakfast with the skelebros, and the pranks begin~ If you've got prank ideas you want to have done to Sans, PLEASE lemme know in the comments~!

Cause this boi deserves the pranks for stealing Amy's wings, don't he~?

Spoiler alert for the movie The 5th Wave, if anyone has not seen it and wants to, this is your SPOILER ALERT as parts of the movie will be mentioned further in this chapter k? So like Brief Mentions k? Might spoil some bits so yea, you've been warned

That said, I just watched that movie yesterday and thought "What about a lazy, movie marathon-day chapter?!"

Also the pranking on Sans begins here. If you got any ideas what his brother and room mates should do to him, lemme know~

Pap- Classic Papyrus

Papy- Swap Papyrus


I woke up the next morning to Blue and Pap excitedly talking to each other, seeming having woken up well before me. Sitting upright, I rubbed my eyes, yawning. I noticed they were already changed into clothes for the day.

When did they wake up to be so alert and ready for the day?

"Hey, guys. Morning already? I'm still feeling bone-tired~" I chuckled, making them both groan.

"Nooo! Papy's bad humour has already rubbed off on her!" Blue pouted. I giggled again, shaking my head.

"Naw, I've always had a sense of humour, figured I should share how funny I am. Hey, any chance we could have pancakes for breakfast?" I asked.

"Sure, Human Amy! But, wouldn't you prefer to change into clean clothes first?" Pap asked as he gently picked me up, setting me on his shoulder. I shrugged.

"I mean, I kept these clean yesterday, and hoodies are kinda made to wear repeatedly. Don't worry, I'll wear some clean clothes tomorrow, and even change into pajamas tonight, sound fair? I mean, it's not like I personally have anywhere to be today, so I could just take a lazy day?" I suggested. Pap followed Blue out of the room and downstairs to the kitchen- where Sans was sitting at the table. I went stiff on Pap's shoulder, eyes wide.

"Sans? When did you get back?" Pap asked. He turned to look at us, or rather at Pap while Blue got the stuff ready to make pancakes.

"Last night, a while after you guys went to sleep. Thought you would want a story, imagine my surprise to find the PET already in bed with you, all of you asleep." he said, his voice sounding strained. I gulped nervously.

"Yes, the Human told us a story last night, insisting on a sleep over with me and Blue! She told us a new story, what was it called Human Amy?"

"Oh, uh, Beauty and the Beast. One of my favourites." I said, managing to tear my nervous gaze off Sans and focus it onto Pap now. "Um, can I help Blue with the Pancakes if you wanted to talk to Sans?" I asked. Pap nodded and placed me on the counter next to Blue, who had a large mixing bowl out and a box of pancake mix out.

"Oh, Blue! I got an idea, can we put a bit of Vanilla into the pancake mix? I used to do that when I was younger, and I loved how the pancakes tasted!" I said, feeling more relaxed with Blue and further from Sans, who had moved to the living room with Pap.

Blue smiled, nodding. "I've got an idea, Human Amyra! Sans likes to drink ketchup, so how about we make him some special pancakes?" he said, smiling mischievously. I lifted an eyebrow, glancing back at Sans for a moment before turning my attention back to Blue.

"And what exactly did you have in mind, BabyBlue~?" I smirked at him. "Mwehehehe~! I was thinking we put hot sauce into his ketchup bottle so when he goes to drink it, or put it on his pancakes, he gets a bit hot under the collar!" he giggled. My eyes widened and I giggled.

"Was that a pun?! I thought you and Pap hated puns!?" I teased, making a light blue blush come across his cheekbones.

"It's not that, it's just our brothers have such bad timing for puns usually. We love them despite it, and we do like jokes and japes." he explained.

"Alright, fair enough. Their timing could be better, but you have to admit their jokes ARE funny. Now, where's this hot sauce you mentioned and how hot is it exactly~?" I smirked.

Within a half hour, we had a big stack of pancakes made and the table set- Blue had taken my suggestion to put Vanilla into the pancake mix, and they smelled amazing. I'd helped mix the batter as best I could, which was apparently fairly well considering my size. Pap had distracted Sans when he spotted the Hot sauce bottle, quickly figuring out our plan, and Papy came into the kitchen at one point and we told him about Sans 'surprise' waiting for him. He had to cover his mouth with his hand to keep from laughing and spoiling the surprise. I watched as Blue emptied the ketchup bottle by half, replacing what he'd poured out with hot sauce and shaking it well before placing it on the table.

"Alright, breakfast is ready!" Blue called out. Pap walked into the kitchen, with Sans and Papy teleporting in- that was a surprise, to see Papy could teleport like Sans. I sat next to Blue's plate, having planned on sharing from his plate for breakfast.

"What is THAT doing on the table?" Sans suddenly said, making me look up at him. Blue rolled his eyelights, smiling.

"She's eating breakfast with us, obviously. Why don't you just drink your ketchup, though I don't know how you can stand such an unhealthy habit!" Blue said, acting completely calm and normal, but I could see his eyelights shining with mischief and I bit my lip, holding back a smirk as I tore off a piece of pancake. Sans shrugged, taking the ketchup bottle and actually drinking from it.

Ok I know Blue said he does that but that's still a surprise he literally drinks ketchup, yuck...

It seemed like he didn't notice anything different for a moment, but suddenly a neon-blue blush came across Sans cheekbones, his mouth hanging open as he panted, a neon-blue tongue hanging out.

"Wh-what was in that ketchup?! My mouth is on fire!" He huffed, running over to the sink and turning on the tap, dunking his head under and gulping water. The others continued eating as if nothing happened, barely managing to stifle their laughs, but I let out a snort of amusement, unable to hold back. When he pulled his head out from under the sink, Sans glared at me.

"Lousy little- how'd you put hot sauce in my ketchup?!" He growled.

"How could she possibly do that? She was helping me make pancakes, right Human Amyra?" Blue said. I nodded.

"How would I even be able to lift the bottle anyway? I'm just a weak Human! Not like I'm a Mutant, if I was I would have told you right away!" I said. Sans glared at me for a few more seconds before coming back to the table, shoving the ketchup aside and digging viciously into his pancakes.

"...Pancakes are good...doesn't mean you're off the hook, Human. I know you did that, just gotta figure out how." he muttered between bites. I rolled my eyes and continued eating from Blue's plate until I was full. When everyone was done eating, Pap and Blue took care of the dishes, Papy picking me up and carrying me to the living room. He laid back on the couch, placing me on his chest like yesterday.

"That was pretty clever with the hot sauce, Kiddo." he chuckled softly so Sans wouldn't hear. I smiled at him.

"Thanks, Papy. It was Blue's idea. Hey, you guys got Netflix? I kinda wanna watch a movie, if that's ok?" I asked.

"Sounds good to me. Hey, Bro? Papyrus? You guys got the day off Guard Training today, right?" he called out towards the kitchen.

"Why Yes, we have got the day off today! Why, was there something you wanted to do?" Pap's voice said.

"I wanted a movie day, guys! That sound cool?" I called to them. I heard Blue and Pap exclaim in excitement and chuckled. "Sounds like they're down for it, Papy." I said. Papy reached over to the coffee table, grabbing the remote and turning on the TV, logging into Netflix.

"So, got any movies in mind Kid?" he asked.

We'd spent most of the day watching movies- mostly the Lord of the Rings series- with Pap and Blue making sandwiches for us for lunch when we got hungry. No pranks for Sans that time, who'd been sitting on the other end of the couch from Papy. As close as he was to me, I didn't feel nervous being on Papy's chest.

"Hey, I haven't seen that movie before." I said as Papy scrolled through the movie selection, passing over the New Releases section. He scrolled back up, highlighting the movie I'd spotted.

"The 5th Wave. Huh, look at the movie summary. Aliens, family separated and trying to survive while looking for each other, sounds good!" I said. Sans scoffed.

"Sounds stupid." he muttered.

"Well, I like the sound of it! What about you, Blue?" Pap said, smiling widely.

"I want to see this movie it sound cool!" he said excitedly.

"I'm down for it too. Looks like it's 4 to 1, Sans." Papy chuckled. Sans growled.

"Fine, we'll watch it. But on one condition. The Human's sitting with me this time." he said, making my eyes go wide. "Aww, is the tricky little PET scared of the big, bad skeleton~?" he smirked. I narrowed my eyes at him, frowning.

"You'd be surprised what such a little package can do. I can get under your skin in ways you'd never imagine." I smirked. Papy frowned, but handed me over to Sans. He frowned from my sudden burst of courage and grabbed me, sitting me on his shoulder.

"Alright, play the movie." he said, leaning back against the couch.

I was nervous as hell sitting on Sans shoulder, given what happened to me the last time I was in close proximity to him, but with Pap, Blue, and Papy within arms reach of me I felt less nervous that I figured I should be and was able to actually watch the movie.

I bawled at the scene where the mother died of the evolved Avian Flu, and when the father died in the gunfire at the camp.

"I bet Cassie and Sam get separated at the camp, I bet that the army is the Others, not the civillians. And that Evan will kiss Cassie." I said, randomly trying to guess the plot- and getting it RIGHT. Pap and Blue insisted I'd seen the movie before but between bouts of laughter, I insisted I hadn't. Sans seemed as surprised when I correctly guessed the plotlines of the movie, but stayed quiet about it.

When the end credits rolled, Sans suddenly stood up, making me squeak in surprise and cling to his hoodie.

"Welp, I've gotta talk to the Human for sec, guys. We'll be back faster than you can say 'What'." he said. Before any of them could react, he teleported, making me cringe and close my eyes as a feeling of nausea passed over me. I felt boney fingers close around me and opened my eyes, gulping nervously as I looked into Sans eyesockets, devoid of any lights.

"Look. I don't know what your game is, VERMIN, but back off from my Bro and room mates, got it? Or else you're gonna have a B A D T I M E." he said.

"Hey, it isn't like I wasn't given a choice to be here, you know! Blue and Papy picked me up off the streets, insisted I stay with them! Like it or not, I'm here to stay." I said, smirking up at him. "Besides, I'm betting your Bro and the others won't be too happy if they find out you hurt me at all. So, you leave me alone and I'll leave you alone, got it Bone-boy?" I said.

His eyelights returned to his eyesockets and he let out a sigh. "Fine. Don't go putting anymore hot sauce in my ketchup, either." he said before teleporting back to the house, dropping me on the couch and going up to his room, leaving the others worried over me.

Once I explained to them I was alright and soothed their fears, they all sent small waves of healing magic through me, making me giggle a bit.

"That's actually kinda is starting to tickle a bit, guys."

"Good. That means you're healing, Sweetling." Papy chuckled.

"Maybe I'll heal fully, maybe I won't, but as long as I got you guys I don't care either way." I smiled.

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