Caged Wings Ch.12

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Sans recognizes his old Songbird..... I don't own the lyrics used, listen to the song "This is not an Apology" by Bea Miller to hear it, song linked above


   It had been a week since I came to stay in the skeleton brothers household, and I had been pranking Sans relentlessly. One day, I'd put pink food colouring in the showerhead with Papy's help before Sans had a shower, and he came out with a towel around his waist, glaring at us as we laughed at him from the kitchen. His bones were still a faint pink despite his insistent scrubbing for days.

   Just yesterday, I had switched all his white shirts with neon-pink ones that said "Most Energetic Person ever!!" on them. It wasn't as good as the time Pap and I managed to put makeup on his face while he took one of his naps, but he was just as annoyed by it as the rest.

   Today, however, I was taking a break from pranking him and exploring the house a bit. Pap, Papy and Blue were out for the day, leaving me with Sans, but he hadn't come out of his room yet today. Figuring he was either sleeping in, or just sleeping for the whole day, I had decided to get a better feel of the house seeing as I'd spent my first week pranking him. I walked the length of the first floor, looking in all the tiny spaces I was able to see for potential hiding spaces if needed in the future. I pulled my hood of my vest over my head, hiding my face and covering my hair- which had started growing out form the blonde it had been dyed. I'd gotten used to having my hood up everytime Sans was around, or he was alone around me.

   "Good idea to know where I'm able to hide from Sans if he ever gets really mad at me..." I said to myself, noting a good spot under the cabinet the TV was placed on. Just enough space for me to slide under, but Sans wouldn't be able to see me easily enough to use his magic on me and grab me. Having explored enough of the first floor, I walked over to the stairs and glanced up towards the second floor where the bedrooms were.

   "Guess this is my exercise for the day." I said, starting to pull myself up the steps and to the second floor. After about a half hour of climbing, I finally got to the top, sitting against the bottom of the railing and catching my breath.

   That was more effort than I thought it'd be...Hmm...I haven't been in Pap's room yet, he probably wouldn't mind me going in there. Not like I could cause any damage at my size anyway.

   Once I'd caught my breath, I stood up and headed for Pap's room. It was easy enough to tell which room was his- the door had a sign that said "The Great Papyrus' Room!!" with stars all over the door. Giggling a bit, I walked into his room, noting it was a bit similar to Blue's room in that there was a certain childlike quality to it.

   His walls were a bright orange with white bones on them, a red carpet, and multiple action figures around the room on shelves. There was a skull and crossbones flag on his wall which I highly suspected was not a fake replica like most I'd seen in the past, and tucked in one corner was a double-twin racecar bed.

   "Rockets for Blue, racecars for Pap. Wow, that's so cute~" I giggled. I quickly noticed in the other corner of his room, he had a computer desk with one of those swivel chairs in front of it, and a computer on top of the desk. I walked over, climbing on top of a nearby box and onto the chair, jumping forward and grabbing the edge of the desk and pulling myself up. I walked over to the mouse, moving it. To my surprise, the computer screen lit up, signalling it was in sleep mode and not turned off. It seemed he didn't have a password on his computer, showing how much he trusted the others in the house.

   "Huh. Wonder if Sans will ever trust me that much- wait, what am I saying?! After what he did to me, I don't want anything to do with him!" I scolded myself. I opened his internet browser and clicked onto a music website that, frankly, I was surprised was still up after all these years.

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