Caged Wings Ch.3

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Disclaimer I don't Own Undertale or it woulda been Giant-tiny from the start XD

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Disclaimer I don't Own Undertale or it woulda been Giant-tiny from the start XD

And yea Sans is likely OOC here but remember he's a literal Giant Jerk for now. Again I don't own the image used and if that's an issue lemme know and it'll go right down.

Also Amy's preferred dance style is Ballet though she does know how to do other styles of dance play the song up top for this chapter, put on repeat if needed. It's the song Amy dances to. When Amy is flying she moves like Jack Frost does in Rise of the Guardians when he's flying. Acrobatics, tumbling through the air, all that.


   "Wh-what?! B-but you said I could go if I made you laugh!" I said, scrambling back form his hand as he reached for me. I stumbled over a tree root, landing on my back as his fingers wrapped around me, lifting me up to his face.

   "Yeah, never been too good with promises Kiddo." he chuckled. "Besides, I've never had anyone make me laugh that hard. It'd be a waste to let you go~"

   I struggled in his grasp, tearing up with fear. "L-let me go! I-I swear I won't tell anyone you're here, just let me go please!"

   He scoffed. "Beggin'? Really? Bit late for that. You should have never come into my neck of the woods, Kid." he said. "Now, where t'keep you..."

   "Um, y-you could just put me on the ground? The canopy is too thick for me to fly out." I said, hoping he wouldn't see through my words and instead put me down so I could run into the trees and escape.

   "So you could just run through the trees like you were about to do? Yeah, right. Not happening." he said firmly. "Guess I could keep you in my pocket. Would let me keep an eyesocket on ya more easily." He said, suddenly shoving me into his hoodie pocket- thankfully without breaking my wings. The smell of ketchup assaulted my nose as soon as I was in, his boney fingers withdrawing from my body as I heard a zipper behind me. I spun around and realized he'd zipped up his pocket.

   He zipped it that I couldn't escape...great. Just bloody great.

   "I'm gonna take a nap Kiddo. Maybe if you stop crying by the time I wake up, you can entertain me some more." the giant skeleton said, the hoodie jostling around me for a few moments before going still. I heard soft snoring above me and realized he's shifted himself, lying down, and fallen asleep.

   Sighing, I curled up in the pocket and tried to ignore the growling in my stomach...

   Apparently, I had somehow fallen asleep because I was woken by the sound of a pocket unzipping, and a large skeletal hand reaching in and grabbing me. Caught off-guard, my sleep hazed mind took a few moments to remember what had happened earlier. I looked around and noticed the clearing was nearly dark, but a soft white glow came from the eyesockets of the skeleton as he held me.

   "Hey, I've been meaning to ask. Can you do anything other than puns and jokes?" he asked. Gulping nervously, I nodded. "Gonna have to use your words there, Kid." he growled softly.

   "Y-yes. I-I can sing and Dance, I can also perform aerial acrobatics if I have the room to fly." I said. He lifted a bonebrow as I spoke, looking interested. He leaned forward, placing me on the ground in front of him before leaning back against a tree, arms folded behind his head.

   "Alright then. Go ahead, show me something. Sing, dance. Perform." he said, though it sounded more like an order. I reached into my bag- which somehow, hadn't been knocked off me or anything- and pulled out my IPod and speaker, putting on a Nightcore version of 'Still I Fly'. As the music flowed through the speakers, I moved to the tune, my ballet style fitting nicely with this song. I performed leaps and twirls, hoping to entertain my captor fully. Once I finished, I stood facing him, panting slightly as he looked down at me with what I hoped was pleasant surprise.

   "Wow. That actually wasn't bad Kid, pretty good." He said, sounding sincere. "Alright, that's good for now. I'll bring you back out when I want another performance, ok?" he said, reaching for me. I felt something snap in me at his words though, and hissed at him, baring my fangs. His hand froze above me.

   "NO! I am not some toy you can bring out whenever you're bored! I may not be Human but I got rights, and I'm a sentient being and I deserve to be treated as such!" I growled at him. 

   "That's not funny, Kid." he growled back at me.

   "Maybe cause it wasn't meant to be!" I snarled at him savagely. Suddenly, his left eye glowed a bright blue and I felt a pressure in my chest, unable to move at all. All I could do was watch as a blue aura surrounded me, lifting me above his head and making me look down to meet his gaze.

   Of course he can use bloody magic...

   "You know, if you're trying to scare me with heights it won't work. I've flown higher than this. And I stand by what I said, I'm NOT your bloody toy!!" I shouted down at him. I saw his eyes narrow in annoyance before they closed with a relaxed look on his face.

   "So, you're not a toy huh~? Guess you're just a Tasty little TREAT then." He said, slowly lowering me towards his mouth. His teeth parted, revealing just how sharp and pointed they really were, and the glowing blue tongue in his mouth. Eyes wide, I tried to struggle against his magic, but to no avail.

   "I was craving a late-night SNACK anyway~" he said, his voice a purr as he lowered me inches from his parted teeth, the heavy smell of ketchup wafting over me.

   "N-no! P-please don't, I-I'm sorry!" I cried out, tears streaming down my face.. He opened his eyesockets, grabbing me in his hand as his teeth shut together with a clack.

   "Yeah, that's what I thought. Let that be a warning for you, I'm your Master now and you do WHAT I say, WHEN I say, got it?" he growled in my face. Whimpering, I nodded quickly. "What have I said about not talking?" he growled.

   "Y-yes, I-I get it!" I squeaked fearfully. The smile reappeared on the skeleton's face, the white glow in his eyesockets returning as well.

   "That's a good little songbird. Hey, that's not a bad name for you." he chuckled. "My Little Songbird." he said, moving my shaking body into his pocket, zipping it up behind me.

   "My name's Sans, by the way. Sans the Skeleton." he said.

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