21. Storm before Calm

Start from the beginning

"So," he drawled, watching as Romano reclined back in his office chair. "Camilla Fiero." The Don watched him, his expression neutral. "What's so special about her?"

Niccolò leant back in his chair, keeping his gaze impassive. "Nothing."

Elias almost snorted; he'd known the boss for long enough to know when he wasn't quite telling the truth.

"She's an innocent." Elias tipped his head to the side curiously. Surely, if she was part of a family, she was part of their world? "Once the deal with the Fieros is done, I get Angela back in exchange."

Elias nodded, keeping a cool look on his face. "And the Fiero girl?"

"Go back to her mundane life." The boss locked eyes with him. "I heard she's training to be a nurse."

Elias tapped his fingers against his thigh, his expression thoughtful. "Will she keep the omertà?"

The Romano Don nodded absently, unconcerned. "I doubt she'd put her own family at risk too."

Omertà was the vow of silence; no one reveals what happens within the family. Punishable by death.

Elias didn't trust the Fiero girl - she meant trouble for the boss, which meant trouble for him. No person, aside from the Head of the Family, was worth risking so much for. It's what Niccolò had taught him, years and years ago - minimise your risks, maximise your profit; Niccolò lived and breathed his own motto, and yet he was risking far too much for some girl for far too little benefit.

"You could have pushed for a better deal." The Romano Don looked at him, as if seeing him for the first time since the start of the conversation.


"But you didn't." Boss nodded slowly, disliking the questioning.

"What's your point?"

"Camilla must be special." Elias ignored the flicker of irritation that passed across his boss's face.

"Mention her name again and you'll be out on the streets."

Elias winked at Niccolò, holding his palms up in defeat. "Message received, boss." The Don didn't lose the scowl on his face.

"Out," he ordered sharply, returning his gaze to the plans of the Fiero warehouses.


Elias relaxed into the soft upholstery, enjoying the clean smell of a new car; Romano was next to him, tense. The plan was simply to raid the Fiero warehouses, causing little disturbance, until they found the girl.

It was simple - but often, the best plans were. Leo Fiero knew all the access codes to get them inside the gates; after that, it was down to them.

Elias and Romano were scouting the lower floors, particularly the basement of the warehouses - the boss had insisted. It was the first place Romano wanted to check: it was unusual, to say the least, but Elias knew not to question.

"What's the plan if she's dead?" Elias spoke aloud casually, noticing his boss clench his fists.

"We'll deal with that if we have to." Romano shot Elias a cold, level look, daring him to ask any more questions.

"The boy doesn't like you."

"I'm not here to be liked." Elias sighed, leaning back. Throughout the years he had known Niccolò, despite every time they had saved each other's lives, he was no closer to understanding the cold man.

Elias watched out of the window as the concrete complex rolled into sight; it looked empty, abandoned.

"We're here," he told the boss, pulling out his handgun in readiness. "Don't get shot again."

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