chapter 16

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"Wake up!" I was being shaken again.

"Oi! Brat! Wake up!" Levi yelled. I opened my eyes and gasped.

"Good. Your awake. You stopped breathing," Eren exclaimed. Hanji was kneeing beside me. She was excited.

"Fantastic!" She exclaimed. "Your still alive but you quit breathing for a while!" I pulled my hand away.

"Um.. (f/n)?" Eren asked me. I looked at him.

"Yes?" I questioned.

"Your crying, brat," Levi answers for Eren. I touch my cheek. Image's of my dream flooded into my brain. I burst out crying.

"ISABEL!!! FARLAN!!!" I sobbed. "I killed people. I tortured them!" I cried into my palms. Eren hugged me and Levi placed a hand on my shoulder.

"And then there was me... She died while I was holding her. I'm gonna die in the future." I sobbed.

"Lie, child," The wind howled.

I stopped sobbing startled.

"Lie, child," The voice growled again. I stayed silent. "I told you to fucking lie god damn it!"

"Isabel, Farlan," I whispered. "They died. Infront of me. I- I went on torturing people."

"You would never do that," Eren said.

I looked at him. A weird look came across my face.

"Don't you think about it," The wind howled. It hurt my ears. I closed my eyes and screamed.

Images. That was the only thing I saw. Images. Of me. Of Isabel. Of Levi. Of Farlan. My whole training. They burned. My eyes started to roll into the back on my head.

I started to cough. Levi held my waist. Or was it Eren? I didnt know nor did I care. I was going to die for goodness sakes.

My eyes rolled into the back of my head and my hand fell limp. Then I lifted my hand. She had came back. She smirked and cracked my neck.

"Good to be back!" She chuckled.

Come on! I groaned inside my head. Not this crap again. I rubbed my face, tired that this keeps on happening again.

"Nice to see you boys again," I smiled. They shuddered. I frowned. "What? Do I look horrible to you?" I asked.

"No, actually. Your just a psychopath," Eren said. Hanji jumped on me.

"I have to experiment!" She squealed. She sat on my back and she was shaking with excitement.

I squirmed and twisted. Hanji flew off and hit a tree. I got up and kicked her stomach. She groaned.

"I thought when I took her memories away she wouldn't come back!" She groaned. I felt myself smile.

"Well, your wrong. She got them back," I snickered.

"What? How?" Hanji asked. Eren elbowed her.

"You brats, she's still in there!" Levi mumbled. "She could possibly hear us." He rolled his eyes.

Tell them. She commanded. I sighed.

"Get out of my body then," I yelled.

Inside voice. I'm inside you. You just yelled at them. Now tell them.

I sighed. "I knew about it. That headache. It made them come back. That dream. It also made them come back," I admitted. "I just didn't wanted to tell you," I mumbled.

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