chapter 7

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I roamed the halls trying find Eren. Ever since what happened an hour ago, he has been avoiding me. It was only to be expected, though, I never thought it would hurt this much. "Eren! I'm sorry! Please talk to me!" I pleaded after I found him walking around the Survey Corps. He looked at me and looked away. "Eren!" I yelled. He turned the corner, not stopping to see what I wanted. I jogged up to him.

"Eren, please talk to me," I begged. I grabbed his arm and he looked at me. Then, he frowned, pulling his arm away. I stumbled and fell on my ass, a loud thump resonation in the long hallway. I hit my head off the floor only to hear a loud crack following the thump. Eren just ran away.

I quickly got up, rubbing my head to try and rub the pain away, and followed him. As I got closer I saw tears on the ground. How could someone as strong and determined as Eren cry? It broke my heart, I look up to Eren because he is strong, because he is something I'm not. It pains me to see and know he is like this.

"Eren Jaeger! Please talk to me. Look I'm sorry; I told you I was sorry before I even kissed him," I shouted.

"Leave me alone," He cried out somewhere in the hallways to come.

"No!" I replied. I turned the corner and almost ran into him. I looked at his beautiful eyes. "Eren, please, talk to me." His eyes hardened with anger.

"You want me to talk. Fine. Levi was right you should kill yourself when we go on the expedition in a few hours," He yelled. I gasped. Tears pricked my eyes, sliding down my cheek and I turned away.

"Gladly," I growled in pain. "At least when I'm dead, you'll be happy. I always knew you loved Mikasa more than me. I was only a puppet to you just so you could make her jealous. If killing myself means I'll be out of your life, so be it." I looked over my shoulder when I said those harsh words. My heart ached, I felt that if I died, no one would care. I turned, walking away from everything. Eren gasped after I said that.

"(F/n) wait! I'm sorry--" I ran away not wanting to hear anything from him. He followed me.

"No your not. I completely understand. Thank you for your opinion," I tell him and run faster. I ran into my room and locked the door. I grabbed my gear, putting it on around my waist. After I secured it properly around my waist, I crawled through my window. Because of gravity, I fell to the ground harshly. The impact on my legs hurt for a bit. Then, when I started to run to my horse, the pain decreased. I got on my horse and ran to the entrance of the wall.

{ Eren's Pov }

I tried to open the door, only it was locked. I pounded on the door trying to annoy her to the point she would open it up and yell at me. It didn't work, she never opened the door.

"I'm sorry, please open the door," I pleaded. She didn't respond to my pleas. I decided to walk away from the door before turning and ramming my shoulder into the door.

"Ouch!" I mumbled when I hit the door. The impact and force of my body hitting the door caused me to stumble back, falling to the ground. Levi turned the corner making me look at him.

"Oi brat! What are you doing on the dirty floor?" He questioned, giving me a glare.

"Umm... I need your help. (F/n) won't let me in her room," I told him. His glare almost killed me as I felt my core freeze.

"Why do you want in her room?" He asked.

"I kinda told her that I agreed with you that she should kill herself when we go on the expedition in a few hours." I answered, rubbing the back of my neck sheepishly. Levi growled.

"You idiot! Why would you tell her that?!" He roared causing me to flinch.

"Well, could you help me out here?" I begged, ignoring his question. Besides, I'm pretty sure it was a rhetorical question. He growled.

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