chapter 12

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"Ah hahaha" I chuckled, holding a knife toward a person I had caught. I held it to their throat, laughing again. My laugh sounded... Almost eerie. I smirked letting out a cackle.

"Hello and welcome to hell," I smirked at the person I captured. "We only offer a one night stay. Only because you won't be leaving." I drag the knife down his cheek.

The boy whimpered. I chuckled. "Scared little boy?" I played with his chocolate brown hair. The boy whimpered again. I pressed the knife to his throat again. "Answer me." I growled.

"Y-yes, but, I know you wouldn't hurt me," He answered. His voice was shaking. I looked up to meet teal eyes. I gasped. I dropped the knife seeing his stomach start to bleed. It bled through his white shirt and his leg started to bleed too. His white jeans were stained red.

Anything white on him was stained red. His tan wings of freedom jacket was dirty and torn. It was starting to get stained with blood.

"Why? I thought you love me!" He tells me looking at me. Fear in his eyes made me cold with fear and guilt.

I backed up and into someone. I looked up and saw Levi. He was glaring at. Then he frowned when our eyes caught each other.

"Look at what you did!" He exclaimed. "You killed one of our soldiers. One of your best friends. You are nothing but a monster." He gasped. I took a few steps backwards, turning to look at him fully.

Tears pricked my eyes when I saw him fall. His stomach was bleeding. I felt the handle of a knife in my hands. I dropped the knife and looked between the two boys I had killed. I ran to Levi, knowing I could still save him. There was no point in trying to save Eren, he had gone past the point of saving; he was dead.

"No! Get away you monster!" He said using all his strength to push me away. "You did this and you need to watch me die." Tears streamed down my face.

"No! Didn't try to!" I exclaimed. He reached out and grabbed me forcefully. I tried to yank my wrist out of his grip.

"You did this. Your a monster. You deserve to die," He chuckled and grabbed a knife. Then he plunged the knife into my shoulder. I kicked his face and howled at the pain.

The pain in my shoulder intensified. I looked at Levi to see if he was okay. I did kick him in the face after all.

There he was, lying on the ground. He had bled out and his head was bent in the wrong direction. His eyes were glassy and looking at nothing.

I screamed, crawling into darkness. I hit something and looked up. I saw my friends. They were covered in blood chanting the same thing over and over.

"Look at what you did! Your a monster!" They chanted over and over again. Then they stopped and Petra walked over. She was holding a knife. She had a kind smile on her face.

"You did this to us. Your a monster that no one will forgive," She smiled. Then she stabbed herself. "Just remember. You drew me to this point of killing myself." She stabbed her heart, dropping to the floor. Her eyes were glassy as her hair started to get covered in blood.

I screamed as I saw everyone dropped to the ground. I closed my eyes tightly. I didn't want to see the horrors before me. I closed my eyes. I tried to block myself from the world.

"Leave me alone. Leave me alone," I kept repeating. "I would never do anything like that." I cried. I felt something be pressed into my back.

I opened my eyes and looked up. Darkness covered every inch of the place. Then I saw light. Levi and Eren were there. They were covered in blood and they both had a knife. Levi threw the knife at me and I ducked. Then I felt a knife got through my chest. I gasped and fell to my knees.

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