chapter 1

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It was just a regular day when the Titans attacked Wall Maria. Everyone was minding their own business, the kids were running around laughing and having fun. Then they came. Everyone didn't think the Titans could even touch the wall. Well, we were wrong.

A Titan had touched the wall and we could see its head. The head only had muscle and it was smoking or steaming or whatever you could consider it and kicked the wall. The impact was so big that the debris of the wall flew everywhere and destroyed houses. It squashed loved ones and it destroyed the food. The Titans came in and the giant 60 metre tall Titan disappear without leaving a trace.

That's when everything happened at once. People were pushing and running in the opposite direction and the ones that were not so lucky to move quickly had died. Me--Well I ran anywhere and everywhere dodging people and Titans. I almost ran into a black haired girl following a brown haired boy who was running toward the Titans. I tried to call them back but I knew they weren't going to listen. Then, I turned to find one of the Garrison soldiers to tell them that a boy and a girl heading towards the Titans.

I didn't get to it fast enough. There was already a blonde haired boy that had beat me to it.

"You need to go follow my friends please!! They could get eaten or they might die. Their mother was near the wall and they think that she was hurt. Please follow them." He begged. I looked at the Garrison soldiers to see them nod. One of them looked at the others.

"I'll do it. You guys go and save as many people as possible." and with that he headed out. I ran to the blonde haired boy. He saw me coming. He looked afraid but when I got close enough to grab his clothes it knock him out of the trance.

"Thank you!" He panted as he ran to the escape boats.

"For what? I didn't do a thing." I say, stopped as I got closer to the boats.

"If you wouldn't have grabbed my clothes and knocked me out of my shocked state, I would had been eaten." he replied, walking into the escape boats. I followed.

"Oh, it was my pleasure. "I responded. Then I held out my hand. "I am (f/n) (l/n)." He shook my hand.

"It's nice to meet you (f/n). I am Armin. Armin Alert." I looked at him and smiled knowing that he would be a true friend. Then the boy and the girl who were running the opposite direction came on. Armin ran to them and I followed slowly behind.

"What happened? Are you okay? Where is your mom and dad?"he asked. The boy shook his head, answering all of his questions. I stepped forward.

"I'm so sorry for what had happened to you. Mine happened that same way. A Titan had eaten mine. The Titan was about 15 meters tall and it had a huge smile and Jaw length blonde hair." I said. The boys eyes widened and the girl looked away.

"Oh, sorry." I felt bad, I had brought up terrible memories on these two poor souls. Armin looked at me, smiling sheepishly since he forgot I was here. I smiled back showing I was indeed not upset.

"Eren, Mikasa. This is (f/n) (l/n). (F/n) this is Eren and this is Mikasa." Armin introduced us. I held out my hand. They shook it without saying anything. They walked to the back of the boat, sitting down beside each other in a free spot that wasn't crowded by people. Mikasa set her head on her knees while Eren just silently cried, starting off in the distance. I tried to comfort him but before I could, he suddenly got up.

"I'll kill them. I'll kill them all!" he said and with that, he sat down and tried to go to sleep. I stayed awake just for a while hoping and praying that they wouldn't have any nightmares. After a while,  Mikasa's head fell on my shoulder. Soon after, Eren's head had fallen onto my shoulders too. I was the last to slip into a dreamless sleep.

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