Chapter 3

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We rode all the way to headquarters. I couldn't stop the excited but nervous feeling that coursed through my veins as we made our way to our new headquarters. Commander Erwin and Levi had came all the way from headquarters to escort us to the Survey Corps new location. Mikasa went up to Levi, glaring at him. He gave her an eye roll before going back to his usual bored face.

"What do you want, brat?" He questioned, glaring at her once more. I made my horse run quicker so she was beside Mikasa's horse. Mikasa ignored me as she continued to looked at Levi, dead in the eyes.

"Where is Eren?" she demanded. This question made him smirk.

"You'll just have to wait and see," was all he replied just before he made his beautiful black horse run up to the front-- and when I say front I mean in the front of Commander Erwin. Commander Erwin looked at Levi then to Mikasa and then to me. I shrugged but I didn't think he caughr the gesture. Unexpectedly to me, he shrugged right back and looked forward, continuing on the journey we were partaking in.

(Magical time skip brought to you by Levi Ackerman.)

It took us about 45 minutes to get to headquarters. When we got there, Commander Erwin told us to put our houses in the stable and come back to him for instructions. We did as we were told. I put my white horse with a black circle around her eye in the fifth stable. The wind was vlowing making my hair fly everywhere. It hit me in the face, slightly stinging my tucked the stands behind my ear securing it. I redirected my attention towards my horse after I fixed my hair. Gently, I kissed her head, petting her mane in the process.

"See you later, Oreo. " I whispered as I set my head on top of hers. I kissed her head again, walking to the Commander. Once I got to my destination, I saluted to him.

"You will now be given a tour around the place. Once I'm finished, you are free to do whatever it is you please. Tomorrow if the first day if training. After five days of training, there is a day of cleaning. After cleaning, there is a day of rest. That day of rest you may do as you please," explained Commander Erwin. "Now if you'll please follow me." With that, the tour began.

As he showed us through the ancient looking place, I noted all the escape routes just in case bandits and other people who could pose as a threat to us might want to sneak in and harm us. Of course, that was along shot and I knew it might've been silly of me to do that, but you could never be too precatious.

I noted all of the windows were clean, there wasn't a smidge in sight. The place was too clean for its own good making me wonder what type of magic they cast on this area. About an hour of marvelling the whole new place I will be living in until I die, we stopped back at where we started, signalling the end of the tour.

Erwin stood in front of us, a kind smile on his face. "Now that the tour is done, you are free to do whatever. You are dismissed," he said in a gentle voice. I smiled and saluted along with everyone else.

"Yes sir!" We all chorused, leaving to go do whatever we wanted.

Levi's point of view

As the new recruits came, I watched them put their horses away. They all walked away leaving one girl behind. She stayed intentionally to be with her horse. Her hair was cut mid-neck length like Petra's was. Her (h/c) hair blew in her face making her have to push her hair behind her ear. She led her horse into stall five and then she kissed it. She murmured something to it and the walked away. That girl was cute, I thought. Then I shook my head. No, there was to be no love on the battle field. Remember Petra? She almost died.

I shook my head once more. Let's NOT think about that shall we? Okay. I walked away heading to my office. After I got in my office, not five minutes after I started my paperwork, there was a knock on my door.

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