"Ardyn Izunia." Iggy examined him from head to toe.

"My, my introductions are usually my thing." He giggled.

"I knew it was you!" Prompto shouted.

"I thought you were onto me right from the start young droid." He glared at his wrist. Prompto pulled it back and hid it behind him.
"I only came to listen and of course to be prepared for what's to come in Altissia."

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Noct sassily approached the man.

"You'll see." His menace laughed was carried in the sea air before escaping the girls grasp and jumping off Board.

"No!" The girl screamed,running to the edge with her hand out.

"And we can trust you too?" Iggy looked at her.

"Aranaea. Aranaea Highwind." She spoke, standing with her hand on her hip.

"So? Your name doesn't change our feelings." Prompto checked his neck for any cuts.

"I knew he wasn't my ex-partner when I was assigned a mission. I no longer work for the empire, so naturally it was strange to be assigned a job with him. Why didn't I catch on sooner.. of course it was him." Aranaea was angered.

"So Ardyn can shape-shift?" Noct sounded confused.

"Kind Of. It's both his curse and his blessing." She replied.

"Would explain a lot.." Gladio referred to Ardyn's folder back in Insomnia.

They all stared at each other, still processing what just happened.

"I'm still technically a part of the empire.." She Softly spoke.

"Great..." Noct replied.

"But I promise I'm not a threat. I'm on your side. I can't just resign right now, the empire is planning something big."

"What do you mean. Care to enlighten?" Iggy showed trust.

Prompto and Noct just sat, still weary of the new female.

"Altissia. It's the place where the leviathan is right? They want to try to capture and use it like they did with shiva and tried with Titan. That's until you came along- luckily that is." She informed the group.

"How do we know what you're saying is the truth?" Prompto was now stood up, staring at her in the eyes.

"Because we will all die if leviathan ends up in their hands. That is not what I signed up for!" She was furious.

Finally they all nodded, agreeing that she could be useful. Prompto took his seat once more and Aranaea sat on a nearby bench seat.

It seemed the captain didn't hear anything of what happened on board moments ago, so the the cruiser continued to travel through the choppy ocean.

"It's strange." Noct looked into the water.

"What is?" Prompto looked up.

Worthless// A Final Fantasy XV Prompto StoryWhere stories live. Discover now