Important Update

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Sorry to the people who got their hopes up in the thought that this was a real chapter :O It's not, it's an update to explain stuff though! It's something I've been thinking about for a very long time.

I'm gonna be honest- I literally have no ideas for this anymore. In all honesty I. Never expected to take this fanfiction as far as it went, it was originally just going to be a prologue for a joke fic, but when people showed up actually wanting to read more and see where an idea like this would go I made myself write more of this. I never expected it to go this far, and now I can't bring myself to write more for it. I'm not the biggest fan of the ship anymore, and I've moved on to different fandoms to write for now.

So where does that leave this fic? Well. I'm not going to write for it anymore. And before you start kicking down my door to force me to write it, calm down. I'm not finished yet.
Because I no longer wish to write for it, I'm giving away the idea to whoever wants to write it. That also includes the OCs in it since they were mostly used for this fic and I don't plan on ever using them again. So if you're out there and you want to know how this story will end, make your own! Feel free to rewrite (rewrite as in use your own words, plagiarism is not tolerated and I will report if I find anyone has copied and pasted the entire thing. The idea is being given away, not my writing style) the story however you seem fit.
Want Anthony and Dipper to date? Go for it. Bill and Mabel seem like a good ship? Do it man. You think Bill hasn't developed any feelings for Dipper and is just a great actor and will hurt him in the end? Go forth and write.

So yeah. Go forth and rewrite the whole thing with your own ending if you want to, I will not stop you. In fact I want someone to do it. I know a lot of you loved the idea, so it's not dead because I'm not writing it anymore. It's still very much alive, just in someone else's image. Don't let your dreams be dreams, if you write and love the idea dearly then write it. If anyone does want to rewrite it I want a link to the book, I want to see where you all go with it from here. I'm going to keep the original up so everyone can come back and reread it if they want, but it will never be continued in my own writing.

In closing- it's honestly been fun. I've had a fun time working on this surprise hit, and I'm glad you all have loved it and stuck with me for it and my awful updating schedule. I'm sorry if I let down a lot of you since I'm not writing it, but I just want to give out the best quality and I don't have the ability to do that with this story anymore. I hope that one day someone will take the idea and turn it into something far better than something I could've done.

Thank you all so much for everything :')


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