Chapter 2

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Dipper's POV

As the bus stopped at our school, we all got out. I sighed and stretched.

"Ugh I hate riding that bus..." I complained.

Anthony and Kyle walked up next to me and we made our way into the school. I looked around.

"I wonder who will show the new kid around." I said to myself.

Anthony shrugged.

"Who knows? Maybe it's a cute girl." He suggested.

Kyle laughed and shoved him gently.

"Only you'd suggest that Ant!" He teased.

Anthony shoved him back and I smiled. My friends were strange people. I led them to our next class and I looked at them.

"I think we can finish our project before class starts." I suggested.

Kyle nodded and Anthony smiled.

"Dipper you're awesome." He said happily.

I rolled my eyes and we walked into class together. We took our seats and I quickly got the stuff out. The hour that this stuff was due in was fifth hour, but I wanted to make sure that it was done before then. All I had to do was write some stuff then I would be done. Kyle leaned over to me.

"Hey, that dance is coming up in a few months. Who are you planning on taking Dip?" He asked.

I shrugged and continued working on the project.

"Dunno. Probably no one." I said calmly.

Kyle gasped a little.

"Dip come on! You can't stay single forever!" He exclaimed.

Anthony smiled and nudged my arm.

"I could find you a few hot girls." He said, winking at me.

I shook my head and continued writing.

"Nah, I'm not really into dances that much."

Anthony and Kyle exchanged a look but I ignored them. They were just being weird as usual. I shook my head and finished the project. I smiled.

"It is done boys." I said happily.

Kyle smiled and patted my back.

"Way to go Dip!" He exclaimed.

I chuckled and leaned back. Anthony started talking about some new game he got and Kyle said how he had the same game. A lot of times I felt like the third wheel with them but I didn't mind. I was a loner anyways.

I was just relaxing when Mabel ran up to me, her eyes wide.

"Dipper!!" She exclaimed, nearly tripping and falling.

I stood up as she got to me. She was panting and she looked scared.

"Mabel what's wrong?" I asked nervously.

She looked at me.

"Dipper... The new student, I saw him! He called me Shooting Star!! Who else called me that?!"

I tensed up as she said that. Only that damned dream demon Bill Cipher had called her that. I couldn't help but feel a little nervous. I smiled and patted her arm, not wanting her to worry.

"Mabel, you are wearing a new sweater that has a shooting star on it. That's probably why. Don't worry, Bill was defeated remember?"

She didn't look convinced but she didn't have any time to argue because the teacher walked in at that time.

"Take your seats please." The teacher said.

Mabel cast me a sad look before she went to her seat. I sat down and sighed, calming my nerves.

Bill was defeated... He was defeated... He can't be here... It's just a coincidence...

"Class we have a new student today."

The teachers voice stopped my thoughts and I looked up, trying not to worry. The door opened and everyone looked to the door. I looked as well and I tensed up.

The boy that walked in had blonde hair and an eye-patch over his right eye. He was wearing black slacks and a white dress shirt under a dark yellow vest. Though he dressed so fancy I knew he was our age. The teacher smiled at him.

"Hello, what's your name dear?" She asked.

The boy flashed her a grin.

"I'm Bill." He said calmly.

The teacher blinked.

"Bill what?"

"Last names aren't relevant, you can just call me Bill. You won't use my full name so there's no use in you knowing my full name."

The teacher just blinked and looked at the class.

"Well, there's an empty seat next to Dipper Pines. You can sit there dear." She said calmly.

I flashed a look at Mabel, who looked extremely nervous. Bill nodded and walked over. As he sat down, he glanced at me and smirked.

"Hey there Pine Tree." He said softly.

End of Chapter 2

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