Chapter 3

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Dipper's POV

I tensed up and scooted away.

"E-excuse me?!"

The boy looked at me, a confused expression on his face.

"Isn't your last name Pines?" He asked innocently.

I nodded slowly, still uncertain of what to do. He smiled more.

"Then that's the nickname I gave you; Pine Tree! It's harmless to give nicknames, right?" He purred.

I felt uncomfortable about the way he was talking. It was scaring me. I glanced at Mabel and she looked just as scared as I felt. I took a deep breath.

Ok what the heck is going on...?

Bill's POV

I smirked at Dipper as the teacher started the lesson.

Oh this is too good... He'll go crazy if I play my cards right... I thought.

The three demons, now annoying voices in my head, giggled wildly and I felt them beginning to swarm from excitement.

"Let's kill him now!!" One said excitedly.

The other two agreed with as much enthusiasm. I huffed a little and gently hit the side of my head, causing a few kids to give me a weird look but I brushed it off.

"Shut up you three..." I hissed under my breath, "We need to be careful about this... If we mess up in any way we'll ruin everything! We need to think this through..."

I glanced at two boys sitting next to Dipper. They both seemed really close... Almost too close. Another demon gasped a little.

"Let's mess with his friends!! Let's make it seem as if he's the third wheel, then when he's vulnerable we'll kill him!!" It exclaimed happily.

I blinked and smiled. With those two out of the way it'd be easier, but there was still Mabel. I huffed.

"Good idea but he's still got his annoying sister, and I'm sure she won't let me get anywhere near him without being around herself." I whispered, glancing up at the girl, who was giving me a cold glare.

The voices went silent. I chewed on the end of my pencil then I perked up a little, an idea slicing through my head.

"I've got it!" I exclaimed, a little too loudly.

Everyone looked at me and the teacher turned to me.

"Um... I wasn't asking a question dear..." She said slowly.

I blinked then felt slight embarrassment run through me. I looked down.

"Continue please." I mumbled.

The teacher blinked then continued the lesson. I sighed.

"Anyways..." I continued, much more softer, "We can distract Mabel and I can get closer to Dipper, along with breaking his friendships up with his friends... Then when that's done and I'm close with him, he's dead. Good plan?"

The voices agreed and I began mapping out my plan of attack. When the bell rang I made sure to stop Dipper before he could get out of his seat.

"Hey!" I said, running up to him.

I saw discomfort flash in his eyes.


"Hey, I'm new here so can you show me around school? We can get to know each other more that way too."

I could tell he was really anxious about that idea. I clenched my fists a little but my smile never wavered.

Just say yes Pine Tree!!

End of Chapter 3

How to Burn a Pine Tree (Discontinued)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang