Chapter 6

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Dipper's POV

At lunch I was keeping a closer eye on Anthony and Kyle. Those two were getting closer and it really freaked me out. I shuddered and looked at my plate.

Calm down Dipper... You haven't known them that long, it's natural for them to leave you out of conversations... Or is it...?

I shook my head.

"Man I've got to stop doing that..." I whispered.

"You know if you talk to yourself people will think your crazy!"

I froze and turned to see Bill standing there with a huge grin on his face. I tensed up.

"W-were you spying on me?!" I choked out, not taking my eyes off of him.

He laughed and sat next to me. I shuddered as he brushed against me. He was getting too close for comfort fast.

"No, I just happened to find you here. No big deal, and I'm totally not spying on you! Coincidence and spying are different things Pine Tree." He purred, winking at me.

I tensed up at the nickname. He had to be Bill Cipher, he just had to be! I knew no one would believe me if I went ranting on that he was a dream demon, but I had to keep my friends safe.

"Don't call me Pine Tree." I snapped, which caused Kyle and Anthony to look over.

I watched Bill's cocky expression turn to a scared one after I snapped at him. I blinked. Did I seriously scare him?

"Jeeze, I only called you a nickname... No need to freak out on me..." He said, sounding hurt.

Anthony hit my arm.

"Bro why are you being so mean to Bill? The guy is cool!" He exclaimed.

I stared at them. Were they seriously on Bill's side and not mine? I groaned and rested my head on the table. I could hardly believe them. I heard Kyle sigh.

"Don't be mean Ant, Dipper's probably just stressed. School is really hard on all of us." He said.

I smiled weakly and lifted my head up again. Kyle was great at calming Anthony down. Anthony grumbled a little and looked at Bill. It was Kyle's turn to step in.

"Sorry about Dipper... We've all been stressed lately... He didn't mean to snap, right Dip?"

I looked at him with relief in my eyes.

"Right." I said, looking at Bill.

Bill just smiled at me and I looked away quickly. Why did he give me that look? Kyle looked at me.

"Is it still ok if I come over tonight?" He asked.

I looked at him. We had been paired up for a project and we wanted to have a head start on it. I nodded.

"Yeah, my parents are fine with it." I said happily. "You know you're welcome whenever you need to get away."

Bill perked up at that and he looked at Kyle, a grin on his face.

"Get away? Get away from what?" He asked.

Anthony gave Bill a weird look and I felt my own heart speed up. Kyle had a tough time at home so he normally hung out at our houses. Kyle didn't like to talk about it, and he normally got offended when people asked him about it. Kyle looked at Bill, but much to our surprise, he just smiled weakly.

"It's nothing really. I have a rough time at home, and Dipper and Anthony have opened their houses up to me. That's all, nothing more." He said.

Anthony and I exchanged a surprised look but we didn't say anything. Bill nodded then looked at me.

"Hey Pine Tree, I want to come over too! Help me with my homework!"

I looked at Kyle.

"Well... Uh... I'm gonna be busy helping Kyle out with the project... I don't know if I can..." I said nervously.

Kyle looked at me.

"Dip it's fine. I can start on it and after you help Bill we can finish it up together." He suggested.

Bills face lit up almost instantly but I couldn't help but feel dread weigh in me.

"Are you sure...?"

"Yeah! Who knows, depending on what it is I can help him too! It'll be easy!"

I sighed then looked at Bill. I knew my parents wouldn't care if I brought him over too but that didn't stop me from worrying.

It's gonna be a long night... I thought.

End of chapter 6

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