Chapter 8

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Bill's POV

I glanced around the city, searching for a place to stay for the night. I really didn't need sleep, but I wasn't going to wander around all night, and since I was in a human form I couldn't return to the Mind Scape. I groaned weakly and looked around.

"This place is so weird..." I complained, walking past a closed store.

The voices purred in my head and I growled. They were already getting super annoying but I had to deal with them. They were part of the reason why I was a human.

"The human world is really weird..." I complained.

The voices giggled a little as I walked into the forest. There wasn't anyone around, which was perfect. The only problem was that there were probably a lot of animals around, and I hated the idea of sharing space with four legged creatures.

"If you get hungry enough you should eat some of the creatures that are in this forest..." One of the voices said happily.

I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"I'm a demon, I don't need food." I said softly.

I looked around and saw a hollowed out tree. I smiled and walked over to it. I didn't really need sleep, but I was pretty sure if I slept I could mess with Dipper in his dreams. I grinned maliciously at the thought and hunkered down in the hollowed out part of the tree. I felt stuff crawling on me instantly and I hissed in annoyance, shifting slightly.

Ugh... Stupid insects... I thought angrily.

I huffed then closed my eye, sinking deeper into the hollowed out tree. The voices went silent, thankfully, and I smiled weakly.

Let's see if I can break him more this way... I thought evily, sinking into sleep.

Dipper's POV

"No! Go left! LEFT!!"

I groaned as Kyle won that round of Mario Kart and he turned to me, a grin on his face.

"Hah! You gave me the working controller." He said, waving Mabel's bedazzled Wii remote.

I huffed and set my Wii remote down, turning the Wii off.

"Oh hush, all I needed was batteries." I grumbled, taking Mario Kart out of the Wii and putting the disk in its case.

Kyle giggled and set down the Wii remote and leaned back, a smug look on his face.

"Yeah yeah, you keep telling yourself that." He purred.

I rolled my eyes and turned the TV off. I settled myself down on the pallet I had made on the floor and smiled. Kyle was lying next to me, curled into a blanket.

"Is it time for bed?" He asked.

"Well it's almost midnight and my parents will kill me if we're up any later." I replied calmly.

Kyle smiled and took his glasses off and set them up somewhere. I lied down and yawned.

"Goodnight Kyle..." I said softly.

"Night Dip."

I closed my eyes and drifted off into sleep.

Dream world

I opened my eyes and found myself in a foggy clearing. I sat up and looked around. I had no idea where I was. I got to my feet and huffed.

Ok this isn't funny... Where am I? I thought, looking around.

I heard familiar laughter and I tensed up almost instantly. I felt my heart sink.


I whipped around and saw a familiar triangle shaped being floating towards me. I took a few steps back and glared at him.

"Bill Cipher..." I hissed.

Bill took his hat off and did what looked like a bow.

"Hello there, Pine Tree! How have you been? I've been doing great!" He said happily, putting his hat back on.

I glared at him then searched for a weapon of sorts. Bill started to circle me.

"You know, Pine Tree, I've been keeping an eye on you... A pretty close eye." He said.

I felt my blood turn cold.

"You are that new kid!!" I exclaimed, turning to him, "How'd you turn into a human?!"

Bill winked at me, which looked more like he blinked, and chuckled.

"Those are my secrets, Pine Tree." He purred.

I turned to him completely.

"I'll expose you, Bill! You can't hurt me anymore!" I threatened.

Bill started laughing. He laughed so hard I thought he was gonna start crying.

"Expose me? Jeeze, Pine Tree, are you in Kindergarten? I'm a demon! What are your mortal friends gonna do against me! Besides who'd believe you anyways? You'll sound pretty crazy ranting about how I'm a dream demon, you know."

I glared at him then felt it sink in. He was right. No one would believe me, and even if they did I knew no one could stand up to him like Mabel and I could. Soos and Wendy could help, but they were back in Gravity Falls living their lives. I sighed and looked at Bill.

"What do you want from me, Bill?" I asked.

"Lots of things, Pine Tree, but I can't tell you! If I did it'd ruin my fun! I like watching you suffer... Also, your friends have inner demons too, especially that Kyle boy... I can have more fun torturing all of you! It's the most fun I've had since Weirdmageddon!"

I stared at him then felt my anger rise.

"You stay away from my friends!!" I yelled.

Bill laughed and began to fade.

"You might have defeated me before, Pine Tree, but you can't beat me again! I'll make sure to watch you suffer, and this time you can't stop me!"

Bill faded but his maniacal  laughter remained in the empty space. The foggy area faded and soon I was plunged into the worst nightmare Ive ever had.

Waking world

I jerked awake and sat up panting heavily. I felt sweat run down my forehead and I wiped it away quickly. My terror from that nightmare was still fresh and I gently grabbed my head.

Damn... That was brutal... I thought, taking deep breaths to calm myself down.

I looked over at Kyle and noticed he was still sound asleep. Bill's laughter rang in my head and my fear turned to fury. I clenched my fists and looked at the ceiling.

I don't care what you do to me, Bill, but if you hurt my friends I swear that I won't stop until I know you've been defeated for good! I vowed silently.

I knew I wasn't going to be sleeping any time soon, but as I lie there staring at the ceiling I could've sworn I heard the laughter in my head get louder.

((Ugh it just ended horribly! DX Sorry it's kind of crappy... But yay, the plot thickens!))

How to Burn a Pine Tree (Discontinued)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz