Future Plans

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Its been nine months since Rev and Red's honeymoon and they had two baby twins, one boy name Roadie and a girl name Violet. Tech and Natalie tried to make sure their growing pups wouldn't try to attack them but to their surprise the pups just wanted to play chasing the baby road runners.

Tech, Natalie, Red and Rev were at a park having a picnic while their childrens just play. They were also waiting for Zoey and Ace for to join them. As Rev and Red went for a stroll alone, leaving Natalie and Tech alone. Tech was talking to Natalie but soon realized she wasn't listening but was looking at their childrens play.


Tech asked. Natalie quickly turn to her husband in surprise.

"You said something?"

She asked. Tech scoot closer to her and wrap his arm around her waist.

"What are you thinking about?"

He asked concern. Natalie looked back at the childrens letting out a sigh.

"Its just...what do you think if we can may be have more pups"

Natalie asked looking back at her husband. Tech was surprise.

"What brought this on?"

"Its just our pups are growing fast and seeing Rev and Red's babies made me want to have more of my own"

Tech smiled nervously.

"T-that's a lot of babies"

Natalie giggled and leaned her head on her husband.

"I know I'm asking for too much Tech but please just think about it"

Tech let out a sigh and nodded. Natalie smiled and happily kissed him on the cheek. She then looked to her pups and saw Wile chasing Roadie around and around but he then fell face to the grass. Natalie gasp and quickly got up as Wile stood back up and ran to his mother for comfort. She hugged him tightly and kissed his knee for to make him feel better. From Tech's position he saw what happened and remain in place while Natalie comfort their son.

'She really wants to have more pups and I wouldn't really mind but I might need to leave the team for to be there for Natalie, but I don't care'

He thought with a smile, he soon made up his mind and got up to walk to his wife as Wile was put back down for to run around. Natalie sensed their was someone behind her and look back to see her husband smiling at her. She smiled back with a raised eyebrow.

"What's with that smile?"

"I just thought I would let you know that I made up my mind"

Natalie eyes open wide in surprise.

"No Tech, I want you to really think about this"

"And I did"

He said wrapping his arms around her waist pulling her closer to him. Natalie placed her hands on his chest with a smile.

"Okay then, so what's your decision?"

"Yes I wouldn't mind if we had more pups crawling around but on one condition"

"What's that?"

"I'm gonna leave the team"

Natalie gasp in shock and shook her head.

"Tech, no please. I don't want you to quite"

"I want us to stay together. I wasn't hardly with you in our first pups and I want to do it again for to make up for it."


"No buts Natalie, I want to do this right and I don't care what any body else say because their not me"

Tech said seriously looking into Natalie's blue eyes.

"Oh Tech"

She said before pressing her lips to his. Just then Zoey and Ace arrived and Tech and Natalie broke the kiss.

"Sorry to rain on your makeout session"

Zoey said with a smirk looking at the coyotes. Ace rolled his eyes with a smirk of her own.

"Nice Zoey, very nice. Anyways sorry were late guys"

"Yeah Mr. Bigshot here was the one taking long and for once it wasn't me"

Zoey said before making her way to the picnic blanket and sat down with Ace coming up right beside her.

"Red and Rev went for a stroll alone"

Natalie said to the bunnies.

"And Roadie and Violet?"

Ace asked.

"Playing with the pups"

"So anything new since we last hang out?"

Zoey asked eating a piece of grape before feeding her boyfriend.

"Actually yeah but I was thinking if we wait for Rev and Red to arrive"

Natalie said and before she knew it the two Roadrunners came up and sat down on the picnic blanket.

"What news?"

Red asked with Rev sitting down beside her. Natalie smiled and grabbed Tech's hand in hers.

"Well Tech and I are planning to have more babies"

Red and Zoey happily congratulated Tech. Rev and Ace were surprise but nonetheless congratulated the coyote. Tech then turn to Ace.

"There's more. Ace I'm quitting the team"

Ace was in shock but understood.

"I understand Tech so you have nothing to worry about"

*Night Time*

"So, this where we depart once again?"

Zoey said with a rhetorical question. Ace simply smirk pulling her into a loving kiss. They were at Zoey's new home in the desert.

"Zoey, come on you know it won't be until tomorrow"

"I know I know, I'm just starting to get tired of going to bed and waking up alone"

"I'm sorry babe really I am"

"This is what I get for being with a hero"

Zoey said rolling her eyes with a grin and Ace grin as well.

"Well I am your hero after all"

"Yeah you sure are"

She said with a smile. They remained quiet in each others arms enjoying the quiet until Zoey broke the silence.

"Um Ace"


"I was thinking if its not too much trouble but I want to have a baby with you"

Ace looked at Zoey in surprise.

"What brought this on?"

"I guess seeing the kids playing at the park. I'm surrounded by mothers who have their kids and I feel like I'm the only one without a child and plus Natalie and Tech's plan to have more pups, its feels like I'm starting to miss out in life"

"Are you serious about this? About us?"

Ace asked seriously. Zoey looked at him with a serious face.

"I'm very serious"

She said determine. Ace smirk.

"I guess there is just one thing left to do"

Ace said causing Zoey to raise one eye brow in confusion but gasp as Ace got down on one knee in front of her with a black box in hand.

"Zoey Lou, will you do me the honor of being my wife and the mother to my kids?"

"Yes I do"

Zoey said with happiness.

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