Rev Returns

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Ace contacted Tech to meet him in a nearby warehouse.

"Where did you run off to?"

Tech automatically asked as soon as he landed. Ace raised up his hands in surrender.

"Sorry about that....."

"The criminals are already scattered in the city"

Tech said cutting Ace off.

"What was so important that you came over here?"

"Because I was following her"

He pointed to a tree and Daisy stepped out from behind with a sheepish grin.


Tech then looked to Ace.

"You got some explaining to do"

"Yeah but later. We need to make a plan and Daisy can help us"

Tech crossed his arms over his chest.


Daisy decided to answer that one.

"Because I worked for all the criminals in there, I know their strength and weaknesses"

Tech thought for a moment and let out a sigh.

"Okay fine, so what do you think we should do?"

"Its gonna take us days, weeks or months for to get all the criminals. We need someone to navigate them or find their locations and all the criminals have a micro chip in the back of their neck that they know nothing about."

"It sounds good but how can we find them just like that?"

"Did you forgot about a certain roadrunner?"

Daisy asked with a smirk.

"You sure Rev would want to help us after he quitted?"

Ace asked.

"Definitely, if not then Red can convince him and plus we are going to need Natalie's help"

*At Red & Rev's Home*

Daisy knocked on the door and revealed Red.

"Hi ya Red"

Daisy said with a bright smile. Red smiled and was suprised to see Tech and Ace along with her. She opened the door all the way, letting them inside.

"Sorry to cut to the chase Red but is Rev here?"

"Yeah, he's in the basement"

Red lead them down stairs but Ace, Tech and Daisy were confused because no one was there. Red laugh at their confusion.

"Don't worry he's in here, ever since he quitted he kept himself busy making some modifications in my house, I mean our house. He also gave me training just in case anything was to happen."

She walked up to a rake and pulled it and it opened up the brick walls to reveal metal walls and Rev working on a super mega computer. The trio were really impressed and walked inside.


Red called and Rev turned around and was surprise to see Tech, Daisy and Ace.

"What's going on?"

He asked getting straight to the point.

"All the criminals we captured in the past have escape from prison"

Rev's eyes open wide.

"What? How?"

"I may have had something to do with it"

Daisy smiled sheepishly. Ace shook his head.

"Rev the point is that we need your help to track them. So will you help us?"

Rev was quiet for a moment and shook his head.

"No, sorry guys I'm putting my life as a hero behind me"

He said turning around to walk away but froze when he saw his fiancee glaring at me with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Rev its different this time"

Tech said. Rev scoff and turn to look at Tech.


"Because we are still friends and we are asking for your help"

Rev was quiet for a moment. Until Daisy spoke.

"Look I didn't want to break the prisoner's out but Zadavia was the one that pushed my buttons when I was trying to prove I change. Either way the villians have me wrap around their finger once they know I'm helping you, they will come after me. I'm also putting my life on the line here, please Rev"

Rev didn't know what to do but Red nudge him giving him her full support. He smiled at Red and looked to the others.

"All right then what are we waiting for? Let's get rolling"

"Way to go Rev, now Tech is Natalie on board with us?"

Tech smirk

"She's getting back up as we speak and said she will meet us at the city"

"Okay let's get going"

*At The City*

"Hey where did you two go? You just abandoned us"

Duck said angrily looking at Ace.

"Sorry about that pal, but me and Tech went for back up"

Duck looked behind Ace and gasp Rev, Red, Natalie, Daisy and a whole group of coyotes.

"You. You are the cause of all of this"

Duck said angrily pointing at Daisy.

"Yeah and I'll explain later but right now we got work to do"

Daisy said ignoring the glare from Lexi. Duck then pointed to Rev angrily.

"And you....its good to see you back Rev"

Duck said sheepishly.

"Thanks Duck"

Rev said. Daisy stepped forward looking towards everyone.

"Okay I know for a fact you guys are mad at me but as for now and today we have to fight as one. I wasn't in my right mind in what I had did and so for to make up for it, I'm helping you guys even if that means my life will probably be taken away"

"Daisy don't say that"

Natalie said worriedly.

"Its the truth Nat, I would rather get my life taken away protecting you guys then running because I have been running all my life and because of Ace I am taking my stand today. So this is how its gonna go, the prisoners have a micro chip on the make of the head that they don't know of, so Rev can track them down. The coyote packs will have to be in groups to sniff them out in case they removed the chip. We can rebuild the prison building and help track the others with Rev helping us from above"

"You know sometimes I wonder why I'm a leader"

Ace said with a smirk walking up to Daisy wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Alright people let's jet"

Ace said as everyone went separate ways, leaving Ace and Daisy alone.

"I promise I am not going to let anything bad happen to you"

Ace said determinedly looking into her eyes.

"You don't know that Ace"

"But I can try"

He said before kissing her on the lips.

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Loonatics Unleashed: Ace X Daisy (OC) & Rev X Red (OC)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu