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With two top resistance agents in the grasp of the first order, the resistance panics. Meanwhile, the sinister Supreme Leader awaits Rey's arrival....

Snoke's throne room

"Well done my young and faithful apprentice my faith in you is restored" Snoke's voice echoed, "Young Rey, welcome. Come closer child" Snoke looked behind Rey at Finn with a frown. "So. They child that bested you." Snoke spat as Finn knelt before Will. "Kill him. Prove your worth" The words stung like poison in her heart. Will raised his sabre and struck Finn down, his limp body collapsing. Rey screamed. She had lost him. He was gone. Finn was the one she had met on Jakku. All the adventures. Gone.

Rey cried and cried. Snoke just smiled and used the force to pull Rey's lightsaber from her grasp. When it landed in his hand he chuckled "Skywalker, I assumed. Closer, I said" Snoke then lifted Rey's feet of the floor and brought her towards him. "You underestimate William and me" Rey said wearily. "Have you seen something, a, a, a, weakness in my apprentice is that why you came?" Snoke laughed and shot Rey across the room freezing her in front of Will.

"My worthy apprentice, son of darkness, where there was conflict I now sense resolve, where there was weakness, strength. Complete your training, strike her down and for fill your destiny" Snoke said restless. Will took his sabre in his hand and held it tightly.

"I know what I have to do." He said. "Will" Rey responded. From across the room, Snoke started to shout. "You think you can turn him, pathetic child. I cannot be betrayed. I cannot be beaten. I see his mind, I see his every intent. Yeeesss. I see him turning the lightsaber to strike true" As he said this, William used the force to aim Reys lightsaber that lay on the throne through Snoke's middle. "And now" Snoke continued screaming, "Foolish child, he ignites it, and KILLS HIS TRUE ENEMY!" Rey's lightsaber, that lay next to Snoke, was ignited, turned on by Will. Snoke was once again cut in two. Rey was free from her hold and looked in shock.

The lightsaber flew towards Rey and she caught it, standing before Will. Snoke hit the floor with a thud. The guards instantly took their blood red blades out and advanced on them both.

Will had his back to Rey and Rey to his. The guards surrounded them menacingly, taking short steps towards them. Rey lunged forward, striking one guard through the chest. The others quickly reacted and swung at them. Weapons clashed vigorously, swing by swing their energy drained. Two guards advanced on Will the others were circling Rey. Will was fighting of the two, eventually taking one of their weapons using it against them. The duel wielding William then advanced on the other guards. Rey stood in the circle of praetorians and was kicked to the ground. A weapon was held high then was brought down. Rey however, was alive. The weapon met with Will's as he killed the guard with the other. The final few guards were finished off with ease.

Will collapsed onto the throne, pushing Snoke's body aside. Rey stared at him. "Aren't you coming with me?" Will kept the same expressionless face, "No, I am the most powerful now. Your lucky I'm too tired to face you so go" Rey was about to speak but stopped herself and rushed out of the room....

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