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With the First Order defeated once again, the rebels find safety on Ryloth. The leaders of both sides have fallen. As General Hux prepares to take charge, a high ranking officer stands in his way...

The Conqueror (The Grand Admiral's Star Destroyer)

"I am next in line to be leader and that's final" Hux told the officers around him. "Not so fast" A unfamiliar voice spoke out and into the light stepped Grand Admiral Kennedy, "I do believe I am the rightful leader of this order. After all this is my star destroyer the biggest in the fleet and my rank is far higher than yours general" Kennedy finished. Hux was stunned. "I am far better leader than you will ever be!" Hux screamed at him. Kennedy stayed calm and replied with, "Do you remember what happened when you led the dreadnaught into battle? Letting the rebels escape. I am in charge and get of my Destroyer now" Hux stormed away in anger. Grand Admiral Kennedy stood proudly looking out the window.

Ryloth (New Rebel Base)

"With two leaders gone in such a short period of time I'm in shock" Captain Sonya told the rebels, "However, silver linings because I am the most qualified out of all of us to be leader" Everyone was delighted as they all knew Sonya very well and were fond of her. Poe liked her as well. Really really liked her. "As my first act of leader I name our new base on the heroism of Admiral Holdo. This Base is now named Holdo 6" Claps and cheers filled the room as everyone rushed off to get busy. Finn left the room with rose and Ben was in the medical bay with Rey and Mendel. Poe took the opportunity and strolled over to a smiling now General Sonya.

"Heeeyyyy Sonya" He said casually. "Captain Dameron, to what do I owe the pleasure?" She replied sweetly. "I was just thinking that we could go get some drinks sometime, you know. You. Me" Poe asked. Sonya let him down sweetly and said "Sorry Poe but I'd like to keep our relationship strictly professional and besides I've got to much to get on with" Poe looked down and sighed. "Yeah that's cool. coolio" Sonya walked off with some officers and Poe saw that the gang had gathered at the entrance.

"Guys what are you doing here?!" Poe gasped. "Oh you know just listening to the speech" Rey sniggered. Finn laughed along with Mendel. Ben and Rose gave some smirks and Poe just stood open mouthed. "General Sonya is really something isn't she?" Finn held back the urge to laugh. Poe was now annoyed and stormed off to the command centre, the gang laughing behind him.

As he entered the command room, he could see all the great leaders. Admiral Ackbar, Vice Admiral Scott and of course, General Sonya. Poe gathered round the table with Finn now joining him. A hologram came up in the middle of the table and everyone stood at attention. On the hologram was the First Orders new super weapon. Vice admiral Scott started to speak, "As you can see here, the weapon will soon be complete. No data has been found except this a recording from Finn." He finished and played Phasma's voice recording. When it finished Poe jumped in "So like Phasma said, we can't destroy it from the outside then the interior must have some unstoppable shield generator." Everyone agreed. "It's most likely at the control room of the base. We would need to be undercover" Sonya told them, "but we'll hold off for a bit though because it's not built yet right now we've got a new threat on our hands" She finished and showed them the Grand Admirals ship. Poe was shocked at the shear size of it. "Wow" Finn managed to say. "Worse thing is. Is that it's coming our way" Vice Admiral Scott exclaimed.

The Conqueror (The Grand Admiral's Star Destroyer)

"Sir, the boy you have been watching over is nearly 19. The age you wanted him." Kennedy thought, "Indeed, forget the rebels, change course to Canto Bight we'll take him from his family there."

As the Conqueror came out of hyperspace, people on Canto Bight panicked greatly. The ship was very intimidating, shadowing much of the city. A squad of troopers were sent down to fetch the boy and bring him back to the destroyer. When the squad returned they had the young man in their grasp. He walked in with troopers holding him tight. Kennedy turned round and quickly said "Hands off". He knelt before Kennedy. "So good to finally meet you, William. I've watched your progress for a while as has the former supreme leader. Your power in the force was sensed back then and now it will be put to good use." The Grand Admiral finished. William stood high and thanked Kennedy. "What should I do then?" He asked. "I have private quarters and training grounds for you." Kennedy led him away to his room.

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