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Rey laid down with Ben, their hands intertwined. Rey's head rolled over to face him. "We don't see each other anymore" Rey said, "this war has been interfering with our personal life" Ben replied with "I know it's tough, but if we can make the effort to keep loving each other they can never break us apart" They kissed softly. The forces of dark and light becoming one. They broke apart for Ben to say "I would never lose you. You're to special." Rey grinned and embraced Ben once again. "I could ask that we be on our missions together so that we will be able to socialise?" Ben suggested. Suddenly Rey looked excited and worried at the same time. She took Ben's hand and said "I don't think I will be on missions for a while. Ben. I'm pregnant" Ben grinned wildly along with her and soon rushed inside to share the news.

The throne room

General Hux and Darth Mendel were kneeling before Snoke. He had randomly called them to his chambers. "There has been an awakening. The child of a powerful force user will soon be born. The young Rey. Powerful she is indeed, along with Ren this child could be beyond anything we have seen before" Snoke stated, "I want that child in our control immediately" General Hux nodded along with Mendel. They both left swiftly. "Any thoughts General?" Mendel asked him. "Yes. As the new weapon will be complete in a couple of weeks the focus will be on that, not the child. So we will have to stoke fast in the short time frame we have, send in a task force, get the child, then gone." Mendel nodded with respect and said "I leave that part up to you"

Rebel base

"That's amazing guys I'm happy for you!" Finn hugged them both. Poe noticed the three and came rushing over, "Congratulations!" He said patting Ben on the back. As a door opened the room fell silent. Admiral Holdo entered the room with her dress flowing behind her. Soldiers stood to attention as she spoke. "It has come to my attention that you are with child my dear?" Holdo's voice was soft. Rey stuttered "Y-yes" Holdo smiled "Well a special child like this can't be lying around here. Therefore I have given special authority for you and Ben to stay on Luke's island until the baby arrives." Rey face lit up as she looked at Ben. "Really?!" Rey nearly shouted. Holdo response was a short nod followed by putting her hand on Rey's.

As Rey and Ben's ship began to leave the entire resistance, except Holdo, waved goodbye. The ship was packed with medical droids for when the time came. Ben had become fond of calling it the "Baby Express". "So what are you thinking to name him or he- Rey began but was cut off by Ben. "I can't believe it" Ben almost whimpered. Rey quickly came to his aid. "My friends. The knights of Ren. Slaughtered. Except one. Mendel." Ben looked at Rey, "They will hunt for this child Rey. We must stay here until we can guarantee its protection." Rey embraced Ben warmly and assured him that nothing will make them part.

The Supremacy (Snoke's destroyer)

Darth Mendel approached Hux swiftly and said "The resistance is wiser than we thought General" Hux turned attentively. "What?" He said almost chuckling. "They have moved it. The child. I can feel it." Mendel continued. "But where?" Hux pleaded. They then both looked up and said in synchronisation. "Skywalker" Hux walked over to the communications control and ordered. "Send a squad to Ach-to. The Jedi's island" Mendel came over as well. "I'll go along with some troops" He said. Hux nodded and continued on.

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