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Poe's POV
I saw the turbolaser aim at my fighter and I smirked. "Ready BB8?" I asked followed by a few reassuring beeps. "Punch it!" I yelled and my engines power increased by 200%. I shot forward at lightning speed taking out all of the cannons.
Third Person
"I said fire on that X-wing!!" The admiral shouted. The bomber squadron began their approach. "General, bombers inbound" an officer told Hux. Hux just stood looking rather worried. "Admiral, critical damage on our systems!" The admiral was in utter shock as the armour of the dreadnaught was tearing up. The dreadnaught exploded and caved in on itself with a deafening groan. The X-wing squadron flew back with the other resistance ships that took off through hyperspace. General Hux was completely overwhelmed with anger and fear as he knew the supreme leader would not be pleased. Just as he turned to leave ,a hologram of Snoke's head appeared in front of him. "General Hux" The supreme leader spoke," I am most displeased" Hux opened his mouth and spoke in a quiet voice, "Supreme Leader I can assure you this won't happen agai-" Just as Hux was finishing, Snoke reaches out with the force to throw him around the room and on the floor. Hux stood back up, blood dripping from his mouth. "You're new target will be the girl that scavenger" Snoke stated, "Bring her to me"

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