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Third Person
Supreme Leader Snoke sat on his throne, his praetorian guards around him. As he sat there feeling the edge of his golden robes, he closed his eyes and reached out through the force. He accessed Rey's mind and linked it to Kylo's. This made Rey more open to Ren. This pleased Snoke as his plan would eventually fall into place.
Rey's POV
We had just set up the new base on Crait and I was staring into the horizon dreamily. I walked into the crystal caves and admired the beauty. I sat on a rock. Feeling a sudden jolt of power run through me, I stood in shock and turned to my left. There Kylo stood as plain as day. "Hello again" He said. "Hey" I replied more calmly than intended. Why does this keep happening to us? I thought to myself. "You're lucky that I have some idea" Kylo told me. I was taken aback I couldn't even think to myself. "So what's happening to us?" I ask. "I know that The Supreme Leader is up to no good" Kylo spoke, "He is trying to draw us together, trying to turn you" He points to me and rubs his face. "I'm willing to help you, we can kill the supreme leader together then go our separate ways" He says. "But how will I get to you?" I ask now wanting to help. "Tell me where you are" Kylo instructed. "I can't do that I'm at the SECRET resistance base!" I respond, "too dangerous" Kylo laughs making me blush. "Fine meet me on Hoth" He replies. "I'll be there" I say back as he fades from view.

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