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Third Person
Kylo reached for his saber and ignited it. Snoke's frown quickly disappeared from his face. The guards stood at the ready once again. This time however, they took out their weapons and Snoke did not dismiss them. Rey dropped to the ground and clambered towards Kylo. "Foolish child, he cannot save you, my guards are highly trained!" The Supreme Leader spoke quickly and furiously. The guards advanced on them both. Rey then also ignited her saber, casting blue light on her face. They run forward together slashing two guards. With impeccable speed their weapons clashed. Flashes of blue and red filled the room. The guards put up a good fight and resisted them. Only 3 guards remain. Rey is then held tightly by one of the guards with their blade by her neck. "BEN!" Rey shouted. Kylo looks over and sees Rey being held tightly. "GET OFF HER!" Kylo yells full of rage. Two guards left advance on him. "I see what's in your mind, so much love and compassion you have for her" Snoke chuckles. Rey heard this and was very intrigued. Kylo eventually cut down the two guards and stared at the one holding Rey. He used the force to lift Rey's saber from her pocket and cut the guard in half. Rey runs to Kylo and holds him tight. Their attention is now turned to the now in raged Snoke, darkness hiding his face. He stood towering high. "We need to leave!" Kylo said desperately, "we are no match for him!" Rey nods and they run out of the room. Snoke yells after them "FACE ME!" They quickly jump in Kylo's shuttle. They begin to fly to the resistance base. Kylo could not return to the First Order now. "We should be in the clear-" Kylo was suddenly cut off by Rey pushing her lips against his. For a second, Ben didn't do anything but soon kissed back. It was a long, passionate kiss. They broke apart, and just stared into each other's eyes until they landed on the resistance base.

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