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Ben's POV
Our missions location has been sent to the falcon. We are heading to an information archive on Endor to find the plans. As we were coming into orbit on Endor, I told Chewie to keep it low so we don't get scanned. I walked over to a nervous Rey and said "Are you ready?". She replied with a shy "Yeah I guess" I knelt down in front of her and lifted her chin to face me. "We'll be fine" I said smiling.
The falcon landed far away from anyway structures. Rey and I stepped onto the soft, forest floor and met Finn. He was leaning against the tree but when he spotted us he came rushing over. "Hey guys" He said to Rey giving her a hug. He then turned to me, took my hand and patted me on the back. "Good to have you round" Finn told me with a smile. "Shall we get going?" Rey asked. "Yeah hold on I'll tell you the plan" Finn started, "First we'll need to disable the security systems to access the main building, stormtroopers will be alerted and that's when we will have to split up. Rey you'll take the left perimeter with me and we'll find the plans whilst Ben you will hold off any stormtroopers, just try not to draw any attention. Chewie will stay in the falcon ready for us to leave. Ready?" Rey nodded but I asked to stay for a minute. I took Rey aside and told her "Babe when we are done with this I think we could hang out in Canto Bight for a while" Rey face lit up and she asked "Like a date!?" I hesitated then said "Yeah something like that" She smiled then flung her arms round my neck giving a long kiss. Finn coughed and we broke apart. "Let's go" I said and we headed off towards the base.

Third Person
Finn dived behind a crate as we ran into the first stormtroopers on the landing bay. Rey and Ben next to him. "We'll have to take these guys out quietly" Finn said then began to crawl across the metal floor of the landing space.

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