Chapter 30: An Awkward Confession

Start from the beginning

"Why didn't you tell me this earlier?" Kathrin asked. I cringed at the question.

"I've been trying to tell you, but I was just so afraid of how you'd take it when I told you." I replied. "You know, figuring that you've kind of had a crush on me."

"What was that?"

"I said figuring that you've had a crush on me." I repeated. "I'm sorry, but I just don't feel the same way towards you. I appreciate what you've done for me and your concern as well, but I just don't like you the way you like me." Silence once again fell between the two of us. I was ready for her to start crying, then to start pummeling me into the ground, or even half expect her to bury me in the ground the same way she did with Lofn. I closed my eyes, ready to receive the blows. Instead of being met with a fury of attacks, I started to hear laughter. I peeked an eye open, and once I saw Kathrin laughing, my face turned to confusion.

"Me? Love you?" Kathrin asked chuckling. I couldn't hold back the blushing anymore, but I was still confused on why she was laughing about this. When she saw the confusion on my face, she started to calm down. "Oh Caius, where did you ever get that idea?"

"W-well, I just kind of assumed since you really just worry about me so much and... well... all that stuff back in Ai, the little incident with me eating the ice-cream..."

"Caius, Caius, I get it, I'm flattered, but you have to realize, I don't love you." This made things VERY awkward between me and Kathrin.

"B-but, you and the thing, and the other thing-"

"Caius, I think that's partially my fault for not clarifying this up with you earlier." Kathrin admitted. "I grew up in a family of seven sisters. I didn't have one single brother, and I admit, it was a little dull without a brother." I stared at Kathrin, still confused where she was going with this. "Yes, I do worry about you sometimes, probably more than normal, but that's because I see you as a little brother I never had."

"That would explain the ice-cream." I said calming down. "Your typing is very weak to ice."

"Yeah, sometimes I hate being a dragon and ground type just because of that." Kathrin admitted.

"This makes things VERY awkward." I commented.

"You're telling me." Kathrin replied. "Listen, I am completely fine with you dating Sarah, I just wish that you had told me sooner so we could have avoided this." I started to chuckle lightly.

"Yeah, that would have made things a lot easier now that I think about it." I replied. "I just didn't really know how to approach this."

"Look, it's all done now, you don't need to worry about it, let's just head back and put this behind us." Kathrin said.

"Yes, please, I don't want this to linger." I replied chuckling.

"Now, let's head on back and get everyone started on Flamethrower, I think Lilith's getting a bit impatient." Kathrin said starting her way back.

"Yeah, she'll probably strangle me for taking so long." I replied sitting up. "But Kathrin."

"Yeah?" Kathrin asked turning around. I went to go and thank her, but then something unexpected happened. From the tree above Kathrin, something very small dropped from one of the leaves and landed right on Kathrin's nose. By how small it was, I had no doubt, that the Pokémon was a Joltik. Kathrin took one, long, wide-eyed look at it before she started screaming and flying around, trying to get it off her face. When she flew by me, I had to end up pinning her to the ground by using Detect while I picked it off her.

"You're going to have to explain to me at some point why you're so freaked out by bug Pokémon." I said releasing Kathrin.

"M-maybe some other point." Kathrin stuttered. "Thanks for getting the Joltik off."

"Hey, thanks for being so open." I added. "I'm just glad we can put this behind us."

"Come on, let's get going, I'm interested in learning Flamethrower, and I think everyone else is as well." Kathrin said flying on ahead.

"Alright, I'm coming." I sighed. "I think Lilith's about ready to wring my neck out." I held up the Joltik in my claw. "As for you, why did you show up out of nowhere?"

"I didn't mean to! I slipped!" The Joltik defended panicking.

"Take it easy, just make sure you're more careful, if Kathrin hadn't been there, you would have had on rough landing." I replied. I set the Joltik down, and let him go his way. I walked on my way up the hill, ready for this "heated" conversation. 


Sorry this chapter is short. I couldn't think of much else to say, but that's why this is only the rough draft of the story. But anyway, I think we're now ready to start coming to the close, and we are practically caught up with where I am, so expect a few slower updates from the next few chapters.

I hope you all enjoyed reading this. If you like it, why not Vote on it, and give a comment as well, maybe give me a few pointers as well. Also, why not go and share the story with others? It would help with making this a bit more public and I would love to hear from others as well. I hope you have a wonderful day, and-

*Pounding on door*

Well, this can only be one thing I'm thinking of. *Opens door* Oh, hey Lilith, what brings you he-

You made a pun right at the end of the chapter! How could you?!

Choking! Choking!

And you deserve it too! Anyway, to finish up on what he was saying, have a good day, and make sure you stay safe out in the world.

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