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You were falling

Ban and Meliodas had played their customary game of arm wrestling and brought the whole building down. LITERALLY.

Need you say more?

While most normal people would have been panicking at the rapid descent to the ground which would have made regular humans nothing but a messy stain on the floor, you were quite confident in the sturdiness of your body.

The same couldn't be said about Meliodas' piggy companion however.

"The floor, the walls, and the ceiling...IT'S ALL COMING DOWN!!!" The pig squealed as it jumped from one piece of large debris to another in its effort to save itself.

"Those two have always been like this. Men are so childish...Well I like my captain like this though~❤"

"I'm the one with 361 wins, Ban!"

"No way! That was me! ♪"

Seeing the three sins like this...brought back memories.

Memories of a time before you needed to learn where a man's vital organs were located and how to quickly and efficiently snap a man's neck.

Before your innocence was ripped away from you along with everyone you ever cared for.

A happy time filled with nothing but happiness and laughter with the people you considered your family.

You smiled.

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