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You were an idiot

In your haste to finally see and break Ban out from prison, you'd completely passed by and so blatantly disregarded the presence of the two other sins within the fortress.


"Ah, Cap'n!"

Due to the Fox sin's towering height and build it was understandable why you weren't immediately noticed by your old friends, seeing as he was completely shielding you from their view albeit unintentionally.






The following silence and stare off irked you, not because of your dislike for quietness, but rather Ban was forgetting one thing.

"Ehem. I believe you're forgetting someone, Ban?"

Breaking eye contact, Meliodas blinked at the petite figure emerging from behind the former thief. The first thing that registered in his brain was that familiar vibrant shade of (Eye Color) and a face that he literally hadn't seen in years and despite the obvious changes such as the loss of baby fat and maturation of other features, it was still the same person he knew.

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