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" could be"

"Cap'nnnnnn, who cares about that? Do something about my cloooothes"

"Just go topless with an apron or something"

"The hell do 'ya take me for? ...Some kinda exhibitionist or sumthin'? I can't always go around in just pants especially when we got a 'lil lady over here," Ban gestured at you with his thumb as you stood behind him with Elizabeth.

Normally he wouldn't really give a rat's ass about his constant state of undress, but if he wanted to be as close to you as he wanted then the last thing he wanted was for people to get the wrong idea (Though what sort of "wrong idea" it was, he didn't know himself. He just knew it was highly improper for a young lady and a seemingly young man to be so touchy-feely with each other in public ESPECIALLY when he was so constantly underdressed). He wasn't an unrepentant lecher like Meliodas after all.

Despite how much he wished he could go back to simpler times when you barely reached his knees, there was nothing he could do aside from cherish the time he had with you now.

You are the most precious thing in his immortal life. He'd gladly lay it down for you if ever the circumstances called for it.

Because you gave him life when he thought he had nothing left to live for and that is something he knows he can never pay back in full even with the countless lifetimes he had available.

Ban knows that you deserve better than the sort of life he could give you should this whole issue with the Holy Knights clear up. He knows that you deserve to settle down somewhere, to be loved and cherished by a man that would never fail you like he did. You deserve to wake up every morning with a smile on your face and without having to worry if your life was about to be destroyed at any moment because of the countless enemies that targeted you for just associating with them.

He knows all that, but...

...was it selfish of him to try and make you happy before you inevitably fly away?

Treasure (Ban X Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن