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The first memory you could recall was a man and a song. His features were blurry and undistinguishable, but his voice was something that you could never forget.

You asked your brother if the man was your father, but Gowther didn't know the answer that. Not because he was unsure of your lineage, but because he was suffering from amnesia and as such, unable to remember anything past the day he woke up in the kingdom of Liones with you.

Gowther said you were merely a toddler then and due to his amnesia and well... lack of emotions he wasn't really the best person to take care of a young child.

He managed to raise you on his own for a few years somehow and you hadn't died yet or turn out badly so you can't say Gowther was that bad of a caretaker.

Still though, meeting the rest of the Seven Deadly Sins must have taken a huge load off of the sin of Lust's shoulders, because you doubted your brother could be able to raise you properly with his limited knowledge and experience when it comes to child-rearing.

Besides, you liked spending time with people other than him all the time.

You felt like you were on top of the world whenever you sat on Diane's shoulder as she went about her daily routine in the kingdom.

Learning how to sew with King and flying with him was always relaxing and fun.

Merlin always knew so many spells to entertain you for hours.

Being around Meliodas was fun, because besides just playing with you he also brings you with him where ever he may go within the kingdom, allowing you to meet so many new people.

However, being with a certain Fox Sin of Greed was what you enjoyed doing the most. Yes, you loved your brother and the rest of the sins, but if someone asked who your favorite person was it would undoubtedly be Ban.

Playing and spending time with Ban was always the best.

When the two of you weren't causing mischief in the castle or going off on misadventures, the others would find you taking a nap together.

Ban would be snoring and sprawled against whatever surface he was sleeping on and you'd be lying against him. Head tucked beneath his chin and small hands fisting his clothes as you cuddled into him as if he were some kind of oversized teddy bear.

Honestly, everyone found it too adorable whenever they managed to come across you two like that.

Most actually preferred it when the resident troublemakers were idle for once and weren't causing any mischief for anyone.

Life was good for you and the Seven Deadly Sins in the Kingdom of Liones.

But like all good things, it didn't last.

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