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Most people were afraid of death.

Most people would do or give anything to be able to escape the inevitable end for all living creatures.

For Ban however, he'd done nothing but wish for the cold hands of death to take him already.

It wasn't enough for fate to take the woman he'd come to love; however short their time was together.

Was it too much for him to hope that for once he'd found stability in his life? Did the fates or whoever was in charge of the lives of mortals find entertainment in his suffering?

Despite the despair he'd experienced in the past, Ban was sure that the life he lead as a member of the Seven Deadly Sins, one that allowed him to gain friends (however unusual most of them may be) was one he could be content with.

Especially when he met the charming little sister of one of his comrades.

A young child with wide (Eye Color) eyes and a smile that could light up the whole castle.

You'd think that with his tall frame, piercing red eyes, and the glint of his canines she'd run for the hills whenever he was around, but the opposite happened and well...Ban found himself becoming fond of (Name).

Heck, if he wasn't off on a mission or drinking away at some tavern he was with her, whether they'd be playing games or taking naps together.

At some point, everyone who resided in the castle knew that if they wanted to find either of them, all they had to do was look for one and the other would be with them. To put it simply, he and (Name) became inseparable.

Really though, how can he not become fond of the little girl when she frequently followed him like a duckling whether it was because she wanted him to play with her or to just see how he went about his day?

It had been a LONG time when someone wanted to know more about or spend time with him simply because they wanted to.

The attachment he had and the importance she held in his heart should have clued him in early on that if there was one thing that was evident in his life, it was that fate just loved taking away everything and everyone that was important to him.

And so he found himself and his comrades framed of a crime they didn't commit, the place they once called home became a haven of snakes that dared them to come back, and the little girl...little (Name) who had done nothing wrong except bring happiness and light back into the lives of people who didn't deserve it...was killed.

Her tiny body...impaled by a spear that was twice her size and her once lively (Eye Color) orbs dulled with lifelessness.

Never did Ban wish to die more than in that moment.

He didn't even have time to grieve for the loss of another innocent life as his captain ordered him to disperse as more knights flooded into the room.

And yet, it felt as if he was once again being played by fate as he stared at a pair for familiar (Eye Color) eyes.

A pair with a certain shade and warmth that he'd only ever seen on one person in his life.

As the hood fell down and revealed the unknown person's face, Ban didn't need any more proof, nor did he waste any more time.


The name fell from his lips breathlessly and with such tenderness that the former thief almost couldn't believe that he'd been the one to say it.

All he could do at the moment was throw his arms around her, almost crushing her to his chest and burying his face on the top of her head.

Ban knew that the world they lived in was far from being a happy place to live in as war and death loomed at every corner and yet, with you alive and well in his arms he couldn't help but feel that somehow, someway, the world became a little bit brighter.

Treasure (Ban X Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin