Chapter Fifty One.Prom pt.iii

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Song for this chapter: The Irrepressibles- In This Shirt. 

*long chapter, but one you can't skip-yes you heard me, you can't skip this one. Most important chapter of the whole book*

I didn't know what I could have possibly have done to deserve someone as pure and as loving as Grayson. When I was at my darkest of times, he was the one to speak to me with gentle words to slowly crack the wall that I had spent years building up around me. 

He was the one to show me what love truly meant. I use to think love was a word used for a strong case of lust, but that was until I could read Grayson's eyes and feel the love he had for me sink into my darkened soul.

No one else could do that, he was the first and only person I remembered who made me feel on cloud 9 no matter how far apart we were from each other or if we had a disagreement caused by my over thinking mind. He was the one to always love me through each and every one of my flaws.

I didn't know what he had seen in me, but whatever it was I was grateful for, even if it was a flaw. I was grateful because it had brought me to Grayson and no one else. Only him.

It would always be, only him.

''What are you thinking about?'' He mused, his voice deep but yet low and full of curiosity.

''You'' I answered truthfully, a small smile pushing its way onto my lips that he couldn't seem to look away from once I had mentioned the fact I was, in fact, thinking about him.

He quirked up a brow, his eyes once again meeting mine. ''Oh really? And what exactly is it that you were thinking about?''.

I smiled at him, not wanting to give him an answer. I had hoped a simple smile would be justified and by the glint in his eyes, I knew my smile had spoken louder than my words could have ever done. 

''How did I get so lucky?'' He whispered under his breath leaving me speechless. It should be me asking him that, every day.

''I should be asking you that'' I murmured, my eyes falling low in knowing that I was the lucky one, not him

He had always reassured me every time when I didn't feel good enough to be with him, he had told me that I was what he had always wanted and needed. But sometimes I just couldn't see how or why he chose me when there were other beautiful girls with a perfectly intact family and bright future ahead of themselves, like Becca for instance.

I always had the question in the back of my mind, no matter how long Grayson tried to reassure me. It was always there.

He placed his finger under my chin that lay low looking down at the bottom of my flowing navy dress when my eyes met his they showed nothing but love and trust. A frown was masking his beautiful face and I wanted so badly to fix it.

''I'm sorry''.

He dipped his brows, shaking his head ever so slightly. ''Never apologize, Libby''. His words were strong and confident not showing any sign of uncertainty which I was glad for in this moment of me being an absolute embarrassment. 

''I love you so much, Libby. Don't ever forget that. You weren't the only broken one that day we met'' He stated, I snapped my eyes to him at his words. I had almost forgotten.

''You were the one that pulled me out of the dark hole I was in a constant loop with. You were the one to show me that love can come in the most unexpected of ways. You were the one that showed me that it was possible to love again and never want to look back''.

Grayson Smith  | ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن