Chapter One: Nightmare

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IT WAS THE voice that lived only in my darkest nightmares

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IT WAS THE voice that lived only in my darkest nightmares. The voice that brought back all of the painful, cruel memories of the decade I'd lived where Scarlett Grey had been nothing but a faded memory.

Only this time, I wasn't hearing the voice in my head. I wished it had been— that this was some horrible nightmare I could pinch myself and wake up from. But it was real, and it belonged to the man crouched just outside of my shattered driver's side window.

A man I'd prayed I would never lay eyes on again.

"Please, no," I begged, my voice ragged as I choked back the sobs trying desperately to escape from my lungs. "Please, let me go."

"Now, why would I do that, Angel?" He chuckled, as if my frantic pleas were the funniest thing in the world. "You're the one who ran away. You had to of known I'd come find you sooner or later."

An arm reached through the window, and I froze as I noticed the light from his headlights glare off of something metallic he held in his hand.

A blade.

Before I could scream, he began slashing away at my seatbelt. The tough strap around my body was the only thing keeping me from falling into a heap on the roof, which meant that it was also the only thing keeping him from hauling me out of the car.

I made a decision then, choosing to grab at his hands in an effort to steal the knife away from him. The second he managed to cut away the belt, I would be powerless to get away. But if I could just get it away from him, I stood a chance. I could wait for someone, anyone, to find us here.

Only then would  I be safe. And all of this would be over.

Unfortunately, the consequences of grabbing at a sharp knife in the dark is that you don't really know what you're grabbing for. At first, I could tell I was scraping my broken nails over his skin. But then I felt the cool sharpness of the metal slicing through the pads of my fingers like they were just air.

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