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Delirious P. O. V.

I liked it.. I loved getting back to my old.. Self. The wind chasing me, the dark gloomy skies, the dark woods. I couldn't ask for more to please me.

I was like a hit man. Give me a list and I'll take em all out. I got paid. I did a great job. Vanoss doesnt know about my side job. I feel like I need to get a little dirty sometimes.. A little blood.

I loved and craved it on me. A few guys come out from the cabin and I stare at them. Wow.. I had more company than I expected, he better pay more.

I took my pistol out and smiled. "You decided to come out on the wrong day sunny. It'll be your last." A man spoke up and I tilted my head.

"It'll be your last." I shot him in the head and the rest pulls their gun out. I dive towards the guy in front of me and shot him in the chest.

2 more to go.. I shot the other one in the leg and he drops. I run to the last one and grab him by the throat. "Say hi to Satan for me." I slit his throat.

He drops lifelessly and I looked at the guy on the ground. I bent over towards him and licked the blood off my knife. He stares at me like I was.. Psychotic.

"Your fucking crazy!" He screams and I shot him laughing. "Fucking pussies!" I laughed louder and carved delirious on each of their chests.

"Oh the morgues gonna love you." I creepily laugh and rubbed the blood over my hoodie. The guys blood spilled over my mask but.. I loved it.

I hear the bushes crackle and I turn around. "Come out come out.. Wherever you are.." I sang and I heard a whimper. A young lady in her mid 20s was crying.

I pulled her hair and dragged her our of the bushes. "Please I di-dn't do a-any-thing wrong!" By the looks of her, she was a whore. Now I knew where I saw her.

Sucking a mean dick by the police station. She doesn't deserve to live. No witnesses after all. "You saw everything.. I cant let ya go." Before she uttered another word I shot her on the head.

I continued slashing her and I hear people coming. I hid behind the tree and saw a few drunk teens walking away.

I picked my phone up and dialed the man. "Jobs done." I smiled and he chuckles. "You'll get extra for the girl." I grinned and accepted the cash. "It'll be in your bank. Have a great day."

I threw my phone away into the lake and dragged the bodies towards the water. I tossed them inside and cracked my neck and knuckles. Can't wait to get back to my baby girl.

Oh this was getting me so damn excited.. Blood everywhere.. On me. I walked back to the house and opened the door. They were all sitting by the dining table.

They turned towards my direction. Why the hell weren't they asleep yet. "J-jon.. " Cat croaked out and I traced my finger over her jaw and I bit my lips. Her jaw bloody from their blood.

She looks at me shocked. The guys we're speechless and I smirked. I loved how fucking scary i was.. I walked pass them upstairs and threw my bloody mask aside.

I stepped into the shower and leaned my head against the wall. I closed my eyes and licked my lips. The hot water sliding down my back.. Felt so good.

I didn't want the blood off.. But I couldn't walk around all day with blood on me. I know it's wrong.. But I just wanted to have her blood on Me.

Cats blood.. I don't know why.. I felt so psychotic. I feel like a maniac. It felt so fucking great. I should stick to this. I want people to be scared of me.

Begging for their lives.. Pleading.. I love it. Ugh! I wore my towel and exited the bathroom. I wore my shirt and some shorts.

I let my hair stay wet and went downstairs. They all stood there running their hands through their hair. Cat bit her lips and traced her jaw where I left the blood.

They turn to look at me and I went to cat. I licked my lips at her and kissed her neck. "Delirious.. What the fuck happened?" Tyler stood there.

"I had some fun" I grinned widely and evan stood there wide eyed. "What did you do?" Cat asked crossing her arms and I pulled her onto my lap.

"Made them prettier than before." I push a lock of hair over her ears and she shakily sighs.. She was scared.. Hehe. I cant wait to have some fun with her.

"Jesus delirious.. You crazy son of a bitch." Ohm shook his head and Craig slapped his forehead. "Dude.. You should go rest." Evan sighs.

"Why don't ya'll go and rest. I have something I want to do.." I whispered seductively onto cats ears and they stepped back.

I look at cat mouthed at them, 'help' the put their hands up and said 'sorry' going upstairs. "I want you badly now." I growl and she runs off.

"You know I'll find you.. " I sang and I slowly walked. She's going to get a hell of a time.."Cat.. Where are you."
Evan and the guys come out of the rooms and took a look at what was happening.

"cat.." I run my hands on the wood and grabbed her. "LET ME GO!" She wiggles and screams. I pinned her onto the granite table and she looks at me,  terrified.

"Jon.. I don't think.. We sh-" I bit onto her neck and it starts to bleed. I grinned licking the blood off and purring slightly. Oh hell yes.. She taste so sweet.

"Your gonna have a good time darling." I whispered and grabbed her gently.

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