Just You And Me.

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Evans P.O.V.

This two were the closest thing since what happened with cat. Delirious couldn't even stop staring at her and shes constantly hugging him and i mean there is nothing wrong..

It is just pissing me off that im still single here with these fucking idiots. I walk around the park and notice how cat was so joyful..she was so happy.

She reminded me so much about some girl i use to meet before we started gangs and shit. I'm worried about cat though..The mission with her in it.

I'm scared that ill lose her and i cant, I cant lose one of my best friends. Whatever was in those crates belonged to me and something important layed in there, so as I've heared.

"Hey Evan! I'm heading out with Jon! Ill be back soon Kay?" She yells and i gave her a thumbs up. Delirious holds her hand and she stares at him. They walked towards the car and took off.

Argh...maby being the leader of the crew never got me a lady. They probably are just way to scared of me. The rest of them could just get one and im stuck here with my guitar.

Shit why was this giving me a headach-Slam! "Evan! Jesus dude watch out you've been zoning out for the past 15 minutes." I looked at the time and looked up. The sky was dark..damn.

I shook my head and continued to check the rides out. "Dude we should head back home." Craig pats my back and i sigh walking to the car.

I drove all the way back and i told the rest to go in while i walk around a lil bit. The sky does look beautiful out here actually. I closed my eyes for a sec and jolted up shaking my thoughts immediately.

All I saw was cat.

Delirious P.O.V.

I brought cat out with me alone because i just wanted to be with her today. Just me and her.I held her hand and she keeps blushing..god. I looked at her now and i wanted her. I probably dont deserve it but i dont care. 

I want her and i mean it. If i had to fight for her..i will do it. We lay on the grass and we looked up at the sky."Wow..there's actually a lot of stars. Its cool!" She smiles.

"You know what else is beautiful?" i ask and she looks at me. "Me?". "The grass." She punches my arm and i chuckle. "Im sorry im sorry!"

"I like it...there's nothing better than stargazing" She hugs me and lays her head on my chest. Yes! I wrap my arm holding onto her waist. 

"Its like your eyes.." She mumbles out loud and she covers her mouth. "what about my eyes?". "its shining..beautiful..like your eyes." I tickle her and she giggles loudly.

"Hey cmon hit me with some flirtatious shit!" she hits my chest and i clear my throat. "Your lips are so kissable..i would kiss it everyday." Her face goes pink and she thinks of a flirty comment.

"My love for you is eternal like the sun and lightens up my life!" I chuckle and thought for a moment. She sits up and face me. We were now facing each other.

" tell me, how does it feel?" I ask her and she looks at me confused. "What do you mean Jon?". "To be the most beautiful star in the sky." She immediately bursts out laughing.

"MY TURN!" She sits down and faces me. "I'd love to hear your gentle words, see your beautiful smile and be forever in your arms." My face turned pink and my heart exploded.

The words that came out of her mouth just made my day. "Your turn Jon! lets keep going!!". "It is said that nothing lasts forever. I would like to ask you, will you be my nothing?"

She looks down and mumbles something which i couldn't hear. She immediately hugs me and I sat there slowly wrapping my arms around her waist. I didn't want to let go.

"I have to admit, that you are sort of a medication for me, cause I feel so much better every time when i see you.." I whisper in her ear and she hardens the grip on me.

"Of all your beautiful curves, your smile is my favorite one." I whisper again and she giggles.

We stay like that until i hear someone clear their throats behind me.

Cat spins to face the boys standing there and smirking. "Nice flirting Jon." Ryan grins and i roll my eyes getting up, pissed off. They always had to come in the wrong fucking time!

"Jon wait up!" Cat runs to me and clings to my arm. "Cmon we'll go to my room and you can sleepover there. How's that sound?" She nods excited and i bring her into the house immediately going to the room.

She quickly runs to her bathroom and takes a shower while i took a shower in my bathroom. After a while she comes in my room with the teddy bear and some blankets , wearing my hoodie..the special dark blue hoodie.

"Hey" She giggles and sits on my bed. "Want to continue where we left off?" I ask smirking. "Hell yeah boi". I thought for a flirty sentence in my head. "There isn't a word in the dictionary that can explain your type of beauty."

She starts laughing and i chuckle at her adorableness. "I'm on a mission to get over you, in other words, mission impossible." I started laughing loudly. That was actually creative!

"I lost my only teddy bear, do you want to come cuddle with me instead?" She bit her lips and comes over to me and sits beside me laying her head on my neck.

"I lost my only teddy bear, do you want to come cuddle with me instead?" She bit her lips and comes over to me and sits beside me laying her head on my neck

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"I can't stop thinking about you, not matter how hard I try not to." She whispers and i smiled kissing her forehead. She hits my chest and i chuckled.

"You're my favorite weakness" I mumble and she smiles widely. "Uh..guys not to ruin the moment but..we're heading home tomorrow so get some rest aight?" Marcel smiles and walks away.

"I can't wait to slide into bed with you and have your hair laying across my shoulder. That's heaven to me" I hug her and get under the covers and she hugs me.

I turn the light off and she kisses my cheeks. "Goodnight Jonathan". "Night teddy"

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