I'll hug you everyday

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Cats P. O.V.

Ever since I was in the hospital Evans been upset. I don't know what happened before I was hurt but.. He was quiet and he didn't want to speak to anyone.

His music was really good and I started to hum to it.  He stares at me and then runs to the room. Did I do something? Delirious knocks on the door and he doesn't open.

"Maby he wants to be alone." I whisper to them and tyler holds my hand. "Maby he wants to see you." Jon looks at me and I knock.

"Evan.." He opens the door and his hair was messy.. His eyes were bloodshot red. I go inside and lock the door behind me. Jon folds him arms before I closed the door.

Was he pissed? I looked at evan. He looked broken. I felt so bad. I didn't know what was wrong. He's the leader and yet he's.. So torn.

"Cat.. " He barely whispered and I hugged him. I pulls me towards him and I run my fingers through his hair. "Im here evan.." I softly whisper and he lays his head on the Crook of my neck again.

I can't see him like this. "Whats wrong?" I lift his jaw to face me. He leans in and kisses my cheeks. My face turns pink and he smiles. "I'm alright.. I'm okay now."

I smile at him softly. "I'll be here.. If you need anything." I whisper and he runs his hands around my cheek. My face instantly turning red. I got up from the bed and opened the door.

"Is he okay?" Delirious concerndly asks and I nod. "Yep he's all good." I turn to look at him and he smiles looking at his hand. "Oh.. That's good." I hold Jon's hand and shut Evans door.

Jon kisses me and I lay on his shoulder. "I love you." He whispers and I whisper back,  "I love you too."
"Oh c'mon love birds dinners ready."
Lui drags me towards the kitchen and I sat beside Jon.

"Promise you won't leave me?" He kisses me again and I smile. "I'm not going anywhere teddy."

We ate the food and evan comes down. He stares at me, smiling and sits beside tyler. I smiled back at him and looked back at my food.

I felt weird, did evan.. Like me?  What was going on? The impression he Keeps giving really does give it away.
Neither can I stop caring about him.

He did mean something to me. Meant a lot to me. The feels we're getting to me. I couldn't even eat the food finish.
"Cat.. You alright baby?" Jon holds my hand and I clear my throat.

"Yes.. I'm fine." He gives me the worried look and squeezes my hands tighter. I look at my plate and sigh deeply.

"We should like watch a movie. I'm sure it's fun." Craig jumped excitedly and Tyler pats his back. "Yep sure is." Craig's face turns red and the boys erupt a laughter.

"What movie tho?" Evan perks up and we look at each other. "Dude.. Insidious!" Brian screams and we cover our ears.

"Oh fuck you alright!" Jonathan smacks Brian's arm and we left the plates heading to the couch. "IM GONNA GET DA POPCORN!!" Nogla  runs to get it.

Tyler sat beside Craig and Jon sat beside me. Brock and Brian sat with lui and Luke and Ryan sat beside evan. Evan sits beside me and the movie starts.

"Shiet! Here da popcorn!" He flings the bowl and it spills over me the most. They start to grab it off me and I pushed them away shaking all off.

"Aww cmon I thought we could eat it off ya." Tyler winks and I roll my eyes. Jon glares at him and whispers. "I could eat it any day at anytime."

He suddenly jolts to the phone ringing in his pocket. "Hold on." He gets up and goes out front. I get up quietly and hid behind the wall.

"Yeah.. Wait what?" He shouts and looks behind. I quickly move my head back against the wall. "Why now..you better have a good explanation.. Or I'll be the one slitting your throat tonight."

He sounds so menacing. It actually scared me for a second. He growls and shuts his phone off. I run back to the couch and the guys stare at me.

"Uh guys.. I have to go do something really important right now. I'll be back soon." He stares at us and Evan crosses his arms.

"At 12 in the night? What's so important?". He groans and ball his hands to a fist. "It's important." Evan rolls his eyes and nods away.

He leans over to me and kisses me. "I'll be back soon teddy bear" He whispers and I smile kissing him back. He takes his Jason mask and we all glance at each other. Oh no..

He slides a knife in his pocket and wore his blue hoodie. He turns to look at us and we turn to the television. We hear the front door open and we see him leave.

"Follow him." Tyler whispers and we grab our masks and our guns. I took my knife with my carved name and we got to the front door.

"Cat where's he going?" Evan asks Me and I shrug. "He's going to kill someone" Luke looks at me and grabs my hand.

"What did he say he was going to do?" I grab my knife out and smiled. "Slit his throat." They all rolled their eyes and we run through the woods.

We see a blue hoodie running his ass off in the distance and turn right. We continued on his trail and we stumble upon a cabin. (How cliché xD)

He looked even creepier. His mask all dirty and his clothes messed with dirt. His hair now messy and his blue eyes looking through the eye holes of the mask.

A few guys came out and we hid and watched. Oh snap.. Shit was about to go down.

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