Mission: Crates

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Cat's P. O. V.

After the debrief of the mission, I grabbed my duffle bag and placed my guns and knifes in. I wore my armor vests and placed the knifes where it belongs.

"Cat.. " I turned around immediately and saw delirious standing at the door. "Your prepared?" I shook my head. "I'm not. I'm scared." I hug him and layed my head on his shoulder.

He makes me face him and wraps his hand around my cheeks. He leans in and we hear a cough at the door. He groans and kisses me without thinking.

My heart started pounding , he passionately kisses me and i couldnt help but kiss harder. He looks at me softly before letting go.

"I love you.." He whispers and a smile formed on my face. "I love you too.."
We turn to the door and evan was standing there with his arms fold. "We're leaving..c'mon"

We took our bags and head down. They all smiled and gave each other one last hug. This was it. "I love you guys." Brock smiles and they start to tear.

"C'mon. Let's go and have some fun." Tyler smiles genuinely and we get into our cars.

-At the base of Continnum Shipping Ltd.-

"Alright wear your earpieces." Vanoss orders and we do as told. "Okay 3 of you take back. 4 of us upfront. 2 at main gate." We nod and get into positions.

I took the guards out quietly at the back gates and I see Ryan giving a thumbs up at the main gate. I walk with tyler, evan and delirious.

I nod at them and they nod back. "Lay low. Two guards upfront." Lui says and they crouched slowly going inside.

"HEY THIS IS FOR PERSONELS ONL-" I threw the knife at his head and cleaned It off. "Shup up already." I quietly muttered. The alarm goes off and we took our guns out.

"It's been fun." Vanoss smiles. "Yeah good luck we love you guys." Delirious runs and we split apart in directions.

A guy comes up to me and I hit him with the end of the gun on his head. I shot at the pipe above and it blew causing the guys in the front to fly off.

"Come in!" I held onto my earpiece. "whats going on?!". "I'm being surrounded at the crates!" Tyler yells and I run to the right and see a few guys there.

I shot 3 of them in the head and they drop causing the others to turn to me.
"Stop her!" One of the guys yells and I ran. Tyler starts to easily take them out and I continued to run.

He shoots and I dropped to my knees. "Fuck.." There blood at my side. I get up and shoot all four of them in the chest. They dropped dead on the ground.

"everything good?" Vanoss asks via earpiece. "Yep it's good." I yelled back and headed towards the crates. "leave the ammunition.. Grab the paper inside!" Delirious yelled.

I ran and see delirious on the ground and a few guys pointing a gun towards his head. I grabbed a new gun and sprayed at the guys.

"Oh shit-" He aims his gun at the officers and we both smiled spraying our guns at them. It looked like they painted the walls red.

"HELP!" Lui shouted and i told vanoss to grab the whole crate to the van. I run to the main gates and see heavy armored vehicles coming through.

"SHIT JUST GO NOW!" I shouted and he hugs me. I ran the other direction and got their attention. "CAT GET OUT OF THERE!" Delirious yelled and I breathe heavily.

"I'm coming!" I shouted and ran straight for the van. I dropped to the ground and felt my right side. Another gunshot wound. I turn to see the guy smirking at me.

My Property | H2O Delirious FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora