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_ Edited 22/06/19 _


Jungkook's footsteps were heavy, echoing through the empty street as he slowly made his way back to the dorms. He was tired and sore from the brutal dance practice that would have taken place the day prior. Today was supposed to be their first day off, but like fate would have it, they all had something they were meant to do, so the poor maknae couldn't relax like he had planned. Just like Jin and Taehyung, Jungkook had to head over to the studio for a vocal warm-up. They were luckier than Jimin and Hoseok, who chose to go to dance practice, but it was still rather tiring.

So here he was, walking back at noon, alone and tired. He would've asked to go with Jin, but he didn't want to annoy the older Alpha more, especially when he was already annoyed as it was because of a certain younger Alpha going by the name of 'Kim fucking Taehyung'. Jin's words, not his.

Jungkook sighed half-heartedly at the memory, hiding his hands in the pockets of his jacket. He kicked at the ground, glancing around the darkening street. It was odly spooky, but Jungkook found it all kind of calming in a weird Alpha way.

It was only when he heard crying that he stopped, finding himself at the entrance of an alleyway. Jungkook frowned in confusion, sniffing at the air discreetly. "Hello?" He called, looking down the dark alley. The crying seemed to have gotten louder, and more urgent, making Jungkook shuffle nervously. He was never good with people crying.

Taking a cautious glance behind him, the young Alpha started to slowly venture into the darkened alley, not wanting to spook whoever was here. "Do you need help?" He asked, seemingly unsure. He couldn't smell them, meaning they were either on suppressants, or they hadn't presented yet. He really hoped it wasn't the latter.

Finding a large bundle of blankets in the far corner tucked away neatly in a cardboard box, Jungkook bent down, glancing behind him once more. Reaching out a hand, the Alpha grabbed the corner of the sky blue blanket and pealed it back. What met his eyes, was something that he definitely didn't expect.

A baby.


"Can you please shut her up!" Yoongi snapped, rubbing at his forehead tiredly. It was a long day today, and the last thing he needed was a wailing banshee. Jungkook sighed, as he tried his best to calm the distressed child. When he got over the shock of having found a motherless baby, Jungkook had immediately bundled her up in the blankets and taken her straight to their dorm. He was never supposed to have found a baby, but somehow, he did.

Yoongi accused him of stealing, but when he tried explaining how he came across the little girl, Yoongi sighed and collapsed on the couch, mumbling something about waiting for the others to return. The baby's wails however, only got worse when Taehyung and Namjoon arrived. To say they were shocked to find a baby screaming its lungs out, was an understatement.

But now, all they were trying to do was to get her to stop crying.

"Give her to me," Taehyung said, grinning when the younger gladly handed the child over. If possible, the screaming became louder. Namjoon winced as Yoongi shot Taehyung a dangerous look, to which the latter ignored as he started cooing about the child's cuteness, squealing as he pinched her chubby tear stained cheeks. She reminded them of a baby version of Jimin.

"Maybe Jin will know what to do?" Jungkook suggested, biting his lip as they watched Tae trying to calm the child down, and failing. Namjoon sighed as Yoongi chose to answer, a tad bit aggressively, "You better hope so."

When Jin did finally arrive, carrying bags of groceries, he was not at all expecting there to be a wailing baby. And like Jungkook did with the others, he explained everything, from the moment he left the studio, to the moment he brought her home. Jin just sighed, defeated, rubbing his face.

"So, do you know what to do? Or how I even came across her?" Jungkook asked nervously, keeping an eye on Taehyung, in case he decided to play 'toss'. Jin looked at him incredulously, "I'm an Alpha Jungkook, do you really think I know what to do? And no, I don't know how this is possible!" Jungkook sighed, shaking his head.

Jin glanced at the baby before looking back at the younger Alpha next to him, "We'll have to inform the police, see if they can locate her parents. I'll have a chat with Namjoon about it when I can." Jungkook pursed his lips, nodding at Jin's words.

"Do you think Jimin will know what to do?" Yoongi asked quietly, having closed his eyes. The Alphas stopped what they were doing and looked at him. They never thought of that.

On cue, they heard the front door slam shut followed by rushed footsteps. Jimin entered the dorm, looking quite shaken as Hoseok followed him quickly, looking breathless and confused. Chucking his bag to the side, Jimin ran over to Taehyung ignoring the stares of everyone in the room.

Gently grabbing the child from the Alphas hands, the baby immediately stopped crying, making everyone's mouths drop in astonishment. Sighing contently, the only Omega in the room, started purring softly, making the little girl relax even more. "H-How- what- you-" Yoongi clamped a hand over Taehyung's mouth, stopping the younger from going on any further.


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