Chapter Forty-Two - We Followed the Screams

Start from the beginning

"What are you even-"

Her gaze whipped back to mine, and for a moment, I saw something glinting in her eyes; something more than caution of an empty threat. It silenced me immediately, just in time for me to hear the soft murmur of voices coming from the end of the street. My eyes widened, and my breath hitched in my throat. It was barely there, but once I heard it, there was no denying the sound. There were two voices. They were speaking in low, rushed, and undiscernible tones.

Raven's hand on my mouth fell as soon as she knew I saw what she'd heard. For a few, long, agonizing minutes, the two of us didn't move. We stayed rooted in place, eyes trained on the spot the voices were coming from. They weren't in our line of vision yet, but we knew they would be, soon enough.

Two figures eventually emerged around the corner. They hesitated in the opening of the alleyway, one of them glancing around, tiredly. The yellow light of the street lamp sent dangerous shadows across their bodies, and it made it impossible for us to tell who these people were. However, I could see one thing. It was illuminated and glinting off the harsh yellow light, hanging limply from one of the figure's hands.

A gun.

Upon closer inspection, I realized one of them was leaning heavily on the other. They had their arms wrapped around each other's shoulders, and the one who was bearing their weight seemed to be looking for something. Their voices were still low murmurs, but I could also tell now that they were arguing. From the rushed words and harsh tone, I knew they were disagreeing about something important, and that something was exactly what had them stopped outside the alleyway.

Raven chanced a glance at me. Her eyes were wide, and her mouth hung half open. I knew she was trying to ask me what to do, but in the moment, I had no answer. The two figures answered for us though, when they began moving once more. But, instead of continuing like we prayed they would, they limped into the alleyway and towards our hiding spot.

The next few moments were torture. From our spot next to the garbage bin, we were concealed from the mouth of the alley. However, if you were to walk further into the alley like these two figures, we'd be in plain sight. Our goal had been to conceal ourselves from people outside the back street, not in it. Not even Raven had planned that they would wander in on us. 

A quick and reckless plan formed in my head, and before I could talk myself out of the idea, it was already in motion. Raven looked at me again, clearly not sure what I was going to do, but I gave her a curt nod. This did little to ease her tensions. She pressed her lips into a firm line and tried to push herself further into the ground, allowing me to carry out whatever thoughtless plan I had plastered across my face.  

The two figures kept walking toward us. The minute they were just beyond our spot, I tensed my muscles and shifted my position. As soon as we came into their line of view, I pounced.

I tackled the one who was holding both of their weight, immediately aiming for the gun in their hands. The figure was caught off guard, and let out a loud yelp as the three of us came crashing to the ground. We stumbled over the concrete, one after the other, limbs tangling with limbs until the motion stopped, and we were all left on the ground, breathing hard. Grimacing, I lifted myself to my elbows, quickly searching my surroundings for the gun. I'd managed to knock it out of their hand, but instead of holding on to it, the gun got pushed several feet away.

For half a second, I sized up the two figures on the ground. One of them was almost limp, while the other was quickly rising to their knees. I immediately rose to my feet and sprinted for the gun. When I turned back around, one of them was standing, holding up their hands in surrender. The other was barely holding their head off the ground.

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