Chapter 2

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Rouge had to take a double take as she noticed the kid was gone and no where to be seen. Suddenly there was a loud blare of a horn as the principal's kind,soft voice came over the intercom.

"Attention all students and teachers. Due to the weather going on outside,we are going to send all students and teachers home early. I repeat,we are closing the school till the weather calms down. Please be extra careful on your way home and make it safely to your love ones. I will be sending an email to your phones and parents to let you know when we will return to school. Thank you!"  The principal announced before turning the intercom off.

Students begin to pull out their phones,dialing for their parents to come get them,Rouge saw some run for it outside.

'I better do the same' Rouge thought as she gathered her books and puts them in her locker.

She then made her way to the front doors of the school,timing her jump start,waiting for the next lightening flash to happen. Once one goes off,a loud BOOM followed soon after. Rouge used her bookbag as a cover,as she ran through the rain. Cars and trucks drive past her,their lights were only seen in the pouring rain.

"I should have brought an umbrella!" She shouted!

She came to a what looked like an abandon bus shed,yet the roof was still in tack. She quickly took shelter,softly panting as she lowered her bag. She sits down on the old and creaky benches and pulls out her phone. She groans as she noticed her phone only had 5% left as the battery symbol begin to flash.

Author's notes:The next few parts are gonna be translated due to the "uncilivized's" language. They are gonna be translated in bold and italic text.

Rouge soon heard the pitter patter of small feet in the rain getting closer. She picks up her head,only to be face to face with bright,innocent,yellow-gold eyes of a child.

She jumps back in shock,dropping her phone as it fell down the sewage drain. Rouge lets out another groan in frustration but keeps quiet as she looks at the child. The young girl had straighten and long red as blood hair with beads and painted feathers in her hair,and fur dress. Her innocent yellow-gold eyes didn't break contact with Rouge's green ones.

Lightning and Thunder rolled and crash and clang in the sky,lighting up the dark sky. The little girl suddenly runs away,leaving Rouge in curiosity and confusion.

"H-hey!wait!" Yelled Rouge as she runs after the little girl,leaving her school bag on the creaky old bench in the abandon bus shed.

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