Chapter 19

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My stomach churns as the cab drives me back to the convention centre. All I want is that Preston will be safe. If I had listened to Preston in the first place then this wouldn't have happened. If Preston gets hurt, I don't know what I would do.

I quickly payed the taxi driver then got out. My heart pumps so hard that my chest starts hurting. I run around the side of the convention centre, no one is there. I continue to lap around the other side, it takes around 10 minutes. The fall wind chills my arms as I pant from all the running. I stop at a curb to call Rob when I hear voices.

I try to be as quiet as I can as I jog towards the voices. As I round the corner, my breath catches. My hand automatically covers my mouth to stop me from doing anything stupid.

Jerome and Jason are holding a struggling Preston on his knees. Mitch has a gun in his hand. Jerome catches my eye and I duck out of his line of sight. Shit. He saw me. I run until I'm sure they can't hear me and I call 911.

"Hello, this is 911, what is your emergency?" The line picks up.

"A man by the name of Mitchell Hughes has a gun pointed at my boyfriend. We are at the east side of the Boston convention centre " I say quickly and shakily.

"Alright, we will be there soon as possible." The man replies then hangs up.

I hurry back to the place where I saw them. Preston now has a black eye and blood dripping from his mouth. I feel like bursting out crying. The gun in Mitch's hand is now pointed at Preston's head. Jerome sees me again and gestures me to leave. I flick him off and walk closer so that I can hear what Mitch is saying.

"If I just pull this trigger... All my problems will disappear..." Mitch slurs obviously drunk.

I'm about to say something when Jerome pipes up.

"Mitch, you're taking this too far man." He tries to move the gun as Mitch hits Jerome across the head with it.

I stifle a gasp.

Blood trickles down Jerome's forehead and he let's go of Preston. I pull my courage together and run at Mitch. He hears me coming and grabs my wrist as I try to swing at him. He points the gun at me when Preston wrenches himself from Jason and shoves Mitch so the bullet just misses me. Mitch let's go of me and lunges at Preston. Mitch cocks the gun then fires blindly. I feel like I'm paralyzed, the fight in front of me moves in slow motion. I want to stop them but my body doesn't respond. Preston catches Mitch's nose and disorients Mitch for a second and he doubles over.

"Jason!" Mitch yells.

Jason is gone. Preston takes advantage of Mitch's weak moment and kicks him in the side of the head. Mitch's body falls.

Preston pants then looks at me. I regain control of my body and I fling myself at Preston. I wrap my arms tightly around him but he doesn't hug me back. I pull away confused.

"Taylor..." He whispers then looks down.

I look down too to see blood staining his shirt.

"Preston!" I yell.

His body collapses. I put his head in my lap.

"You're going to be okay, just look at me, look at me Preston!" I scream.

The sound of sirens becomes louder and louder.

"Help is here, stay with me. Don't close you're eyes." I cry.

Tears flow uncontrollably down my face. This is not happening. My heart feels as if someone stabbed it. No, this is not real. Tears blur my vision, my lungs contract. The sirens become louder and louder. I feel arms wrench me from Preston's body.

"Don't touch me! No!" I scream as they take Preston away.

My head fuzzes up. I feel as if I were watching myself in third person. I struggle against the arms that are holding me away from Preston.

"Don't worry, we will take care of him." I hear a distant voice.

My thoughts blur even more and eventually I can't see anything. I stop fighting and I let go.


OMFG this was extremely difficult to write. Don't worry, this story isn't over. There will probably another 3/4 chapter and I will be doing a q&a and if you want, I will do a suggested chapter in Preston's point of view.

The updates will come slow and you guys can suggest the next fanfic to write.

Lov u all- Anna

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