Chapter 4

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I walked back to my apartment which was only a few blocks away from the school. It had been a few days since the 'incident' and everyone returned to normal leaving Preston alone. It was now a Friday. I had 2 shifts at Starbucks tonight which I absolutely dreaded. The store was super busy up until 10pm when things finally quieted down.

My 2 shifts finally ended, I quickly changed back into something comfortable and left. As I walked home, snow started falling from the sky. I pulled my scarf closer. It's almost winter and me being the smart person I am, decides to wear a sweater.

As I walked home I quickly checked the mail. I opened it and there a letter lay with the words "University of California Los Angels to Taylor Baugman" I eagerly opened the letter. For a few weeks now, I've been desperately trying to pull up my grades from the free fall it's been on for the past months. My grades were good but obviously not good enough.

'We are sorry to inform you that UCLA does not have a spot for you in our program-'

I drop the letter, speechless. A tear streams down my face. This is the university I dreamed of going to since I was ten. I curse, running my hands though my hair. Why can't life give me a break? I have no family, no friends and now no future either.

I walked, letting the tears fall. Frustration pumped through my body, there's no one I can blame except for myself. I could of kept my grades up through hard times but I chose not to.

I kept walking and found myself ending up at Preston's door. I banged on the door praying that he would open it.

He opened the door "Taylor, what the h-"

I wrapped my arms around him. I don't know where the impulse came from but I didn't regret it at all.

He slowly accepts the embrace and wraps his arms around my waist. I cried into his shoulder, breathing in his scent. I felt myself calm down as I put my weight on Preston. The last time I'd cried in front of someone was when Preston pushed me off my bike in grade 4.

"What's wrong?" He mumbles.

I finally let go.

"I'll explain," I say.

We walked into the kitchen and he made me some coffee. He leaned his back against the counter. I whiped away my tears,

"Now explain" he says looking into my eyes.

"I'm a mess!" I sniffle. " I don't know what I'm doing with my life. Honestly, UCLA didn't accept me and I don't want to end up working at Walmart until I'm 60. My sister leaves me and then my parents and now there goes my dream university!" I pour out, missing Preston's warmth.

"Okay, first of all, you need to calm down. Some universities are sill taking late applications, and even if you don't make it, college isn't so bad!" He pauses. "And hey, you have me."

I nod, take a few breaths then look around and remembered something that was on my mind. "How do you have such a nice house?"

"I'll tell u later now is not the right time" he says nervously.

I was confused, did he drug deal or something?

"I have something that might cheer you up" he says smiling.

He leads me to the living room, he turned on his tv and xbox. Black ops 2 came on the screen. Damn, he remembered my love for first person shooter games. "Do u remember this?" He asks.

I smile back to the good old days when we used to play black ops nonstop. I would purposely sabotage Preston's kill streaks because he was so good.

"Ready to get your ass kicked?" I whipped the tears off my face.

"Not a chance!" He replies.

Game after game we played, I realized Preston hasn't changed at all. We continued demolishing every single game we played. I finally got to hear his adorable laugh that I used to love. After an hour we finally decided to stop.

"That's bull!" He yells at the screen after being killed by me.

"Ha your just baaaddddd" I tease.

"Didn't know you still had it in you" he looks at me smiling.

I looked at him, Preston made me happy. His brown chestnut eyes, lopsided dimples, passive aggressive pouting, everything about him made me happy. It was like we were 13 again, playing video games in his basement without a care in the world. A warm feeling spread across my chest, one which I've never felt around Preston.

"What are you lookin at?" He jokes.

"Smile more often, it's a good look for you." I reply.

"Maybe I will" he says quietly.


This is kind of just a filler:$ Hold your horses for excitement coming soon!

and pic of Taylor on side :)


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