Chapter 12

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I got back to the house at 5am and was drained from all my energy. I looked around, it was so empty without Preston. I went strait to my room, stripped and threw on an oversized shirt and went to bed.

Usually, at this state, I would of fallen asleep immediately, but for some point I kept tossing and turning. I checked the time, 7am it read. Well, no point of sleeping now. I threw off the covers madly and stomped up the stairs to the kitchen.

I poured myself a cup of water and chugged it. Why couldn't I sleep if I were so damn tired? I had that hallow feeling at the pit of my stomach but it wasn't hunger. I glanced around almost if I were searching for something. My eyes came upon a picture if me and Preston, I missed him.

I sighed, a huge aching feeling came across my chest. Almost if someone were sitting on me. I just wanted to curl up into a ball and die. I made a mistake and now it's too late to change my mind.

I found myself wander up the stairs and eventually into Preston's room. I sat on his bed and inhaled his scent. I remembered all the good times and how easily I let him slip through my fingers again.

I crawled into the covers and let my head relax into the pillow. I felt a tear slip down my face and fall into the pillow. I inhaled his scent, it was almost as if he were there with me. My eyes felt heavy.

"Goodnight Preston." I mumbled before falling asleep.

~~~~~~2 days later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Everything I owned was in back in boxes in a pile. I've been using Preston's computer to render and upload videos mostly with Jerome, Mitch, Adam, Ty and Bodil.

I honestly missed Preston so much, it hurt.

The small moving car that we ordered came. I loaded the car with boxes and let it leave. I called a cab to take me to the airport that was going to take me to California.

Excitement, nervousness, doubt, anxiety all mixed together in my head. Well, new life new me, I thought.


My legs shook as I got off the plane. All I had was my carry-on, blue jansport backpack with my wallet, headphones, and laptop.The moving truck is supposed to arrive at the team crafted house in 2 days. For now, this is all I have.

I exited the terminal to where everyone was getting picked up. I glanced down to my phone and started texting Mitch to see where him and Jerome were picking me up.

Just as I was typing, I felt myself get tackled with hugs.

"Taylor!" Mitch and yelled.

"Hey guys!" I laughed.

They brought me back to the house, I was greeted by Ian, Jason, Adam, Ty and Quentin. I already knew Jason, Adam and obviously Jerome and Mitch well so I tried to talk to Ty, Ian and Quentin.

Quentin didn't really care, he seemed kind of distant from the rest of the group. Ian was not like I imagined. In his videos, he seemed like a little boy but he was really mature in real life. Ty, I swear he is the cutest thing in the world. He's like a shy little brother.

"So...since she's officially in the group, we should give her the team crafted official welcoming." Jerome said with a smirk.

"What's that-" I started.

Before I could finish,Adam picked me up by my waist and threw me over his shoulder.

"No! What are you guys doing?! Put me down!" I screamed.

They took me outside to the backyard.

"No...don't you dare!" I protested.

"3...2..." They chanted.

I just about felt my life flash between my eyes.

"One!" They said.

They threw me into the freezing cold pool. I submerged and fell to the bottom. If that's how their going to play it, then I will too.

I held my breath and let myself sink to the bottom of the pool. I squinted, trying to see through the water. I could barley make the outline of a person leaning over the edge of the pool.

I boosted myself from the bottom and grabbed hold of whoever was there. I took them with me into the water.

We finally resubmerged and I cleared my eyes to see who the person was. A furious looking Jason was looking back at me. I started laughing hysterically.

Everyone gathered around the pool laughing. I glanced over and I saw water guns. Jason caught on and we inched to the water guns. Once we took them I mouthed 'go' to him.

We shot and soaked everyone. We started laughing and everyone else started to laugh too.

"Welcome to the family!" Jerome yelled.

And for a second, I almost believed them.


Hey guysss! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. It was kinda just a filler. And do I need to remind you a freeking 10th time. There is a reason she's in team crafted, just chill, this is a tbnrfrags fanfic not a team crafted one.

If you enjoyed, leave a comment and rate and whatever. U know the drill!

-kisses from Canada!

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