Chapter 8

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We finished the video and Preston helped me upload it. I glanced at he clock, 1am. It was late and I was really frickin tired. I told Preston to go away so I could sleep and he did.

I burrowed myself into the covers of my bed, it was so warm and cozy. It's been so long since I had actually had the chance to relax. I opened up my phone and watched the video that just uploaded. I frowned, I didn't talk much and the video didn't seem like a good video for starting off a channel. Every time I refreshed my channel, the subscriber count increased my hundreds. Well I guess it's no big surprise when you record with people who have millions of subscribers.

I searched for good ideas for a proper channel introduction on google. Prank was one of the first things that showed up. Suddenly, the greatest idea to scare the shit out of Preston came to mind.


My alarm woke me up to start setting up my prank, 6am the clock read. The sky was still pitch black and there was an erie feeling in the air, perfect. I set up some cameras in the kitchen and found some food colouring and syrup to make fake blood. I got a chair and found some cloths to bind myself to the chair. I quickly stirred syrup, red food colouring, and water to make the perfect fake blood. I put some on my hairline to make it look like someone hit my head, some beside my mouth to look like I was coughing blood and some on my arms. I tied myself to the chair gagging myself with a cloth. It was just 6:30 so I knew Preston would still be sleepy. I smiled to myself, here we go.

"AHHHHHHHHHH" I screamed. "HELP!"

I heard fumbling from Preston's room and moments later he burst into the kitchen.

"Oh my god Taylor!" He grabbed a knife and started waving it around in boxers and a Mario shirt.

I started laughing, hard.

"Wait what's going on?" Preston asked calming down.

"Say hi to the cameras." I say sheepishly.

"Are you kidding me? What the fudge! You scared the shit out of me! That was not funny one bit, if you got hurt, I swear..."

"I'm sorry!" I say unbinding myself.

I walked up to the very angry looking Preston and gave him a hug.

The look on his face... He was still half asleep. He looked extremely angry and like he was about to cry at the same time.

"I'm sorry" I say again in a whisper.

I let go of the hug and looked to one of the cameras.

"Okay guys, I might of taken this a little too far but I thought you guys needed a proper introduction to this channel. I'm going to be doing mostly minecraft videos and sometimes COD with this goof." I say gesturing to Preston. "I will probably be doing some vlogs and stuff too!"

He walked up behind me and rested his head on my shoulder.

"But basically yea, I hope you all enjoyed this little video and subscribe, byeeee" I say as I put my hand over the lens. I ended the video and rounded up all the footage.

"I hate you so much right now" Preston said as I cleaned up the mess.

"Sorry not sorry." I wink. "I live my life on the edge."

"Well keep you're edge away from me at least until ten am." He mumbles walking away.

"My edge is too sharp to keep away from!" I yell after him.

I shrugged it off and walked to my room to edit the video. I made myself a glass of lemonade and got a comfy blanket because I knew I would be editing for hours.


About 2 hours later I had my video up and rendering. I was about to get something to eat when I got a skype call from Mitch. My heart skipped a little, I wanted to talk to him so I picked up. I was still sitting at my desk with a tank top on and a blanket overtop with a messy bun. Ehh, I looked decent enough.

"Hey" I greeted him.

"What's up?" He replied.

"Editing a video how about you?" I asked.

"Nothing much, I was just wondering if you wanted to record with me and Jerome?" He said.

"Yea sure."

We spent about an hour recording videos for each of out channel. Mitch and Jerome were actually amazing. I don't understand why Preston didn't like them... During that time, we all really became good friends.

"Alright guys! Thank you so much for watching, check out Mitch and Jerome's channels down in the description and hit that like button! Much love, bye!" I ended my video.

"Okay guys, I got to go! I'll talk to you later" I also ended the skype call.

I walked out to the living room to grab something to eat, I went to the kitchen and looked for food. I ended making myself a salad. I plopped down on the couch where Preston was playing cod with someone.

"You okay now?" I asked.

"Okay? I'm great." He replies

"Mhm sure, you were pretty rattled this this morning." I tease.

"Oh shut up. I watched the video. It's halairious." He replied.

"Good" I said with a smile.

"So who were you taking to earlier?" He asked.

"Umm." I trailed off, i knew Preston didn't like them so I lied. "Mat..?" I said more like a question.

"Oh.. What were you guys talking about." He continued.

"Planning on recording a series" I replied.

God, I hate lying.


Hey guys! Hope you all like the story so far:$ rate, comment, add to library!

Feel free to leave suggestions or critiques:)

Xox- kisses from Canada eh?

Btw. We are frickin dominating in the Olympics;) except for stupid Germany._.

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