Chapter Twenty-Six: Unexpected Consequences

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Irina was more than happy to point Cristiano in the right direction, once he had arrived at the hospital and apologized for ignoring her; he had raced to the hospital after he had learnt what had happened.

However nothing in the Russian’s life, prepared her for the breakdown that Cristiano had when he saw Sophia laying in that hospital bed; Suzanna and Sophia’s sisters were in the canteen having something to eat while Gerard had gone to his hotel to take a shower.

Blinking back his tears, Cristiano took Sophia’s hand and pressed his lips to it before he gave her another kiss on her chapped lips; he rested his head against hers before he started to sob.

“I’m so sorry,” he cried not knowing what to do; he never thought he’d see Sophia looking this fragile and vulnerable; this wasn’t the blonde that he had fallen in love with anymore.

“I love you Sophia por favor… don’t leave me here alone,” he cried as he rested his head against hers.

Irina had told him what the doctor had said and he felt responsible, Sophia was dying of a broken heart and nothing anyone could do would fix this.

“I never meant what I said… I was just so angry, I should have stayed… I love you Sophia, so much, you are my life, my love, and my soul-mate por favor,” the footballer said making tears fill Irina’s eyes as she listened to Cristiano’s heart-felt words.

She knew that his words would haunt him for the rest of his life for the damage that they had caused.

However before she could move to comfort him, a voice stopped her in her tracks; Irina hadn’t been expecting Gerard to come back so soon and now he was stood in the door way to the hospital room.

Cristiano glared at his on-pitch rival before he turned his attention back to Sophia, he didn’t know why the other footballer was here but he knew it spelt trouble for him; the defender wouldn’t be here if he didn’t care for Sophia.

“I’m her fiancé,” Cristiano said weakly though he knew the reasoning was weak, he hadn’t been here when she had needed him most and he knew she’d have never ran in front of that car if he hadn’t of broken her heart.

Gerard frowned before throwing a dirty look at Irina, since she’d allowed Cristiano to see Sophia; he didn’t want the other man anywhere near the blonde after all the trouble that he had caused for her.

“A fat lot of good that’s been for her… where were you yesterday when she was hit by that bloody car?” Gerard snapped making Cristiano flinch.

Irina quickly stepped in front of Gerard who blinked surprised at the fury in her eyes; he hadn’t expected the Russian to turn on him after what had happened.

“Listen here Piqué… you have hurt her just as much as Cristiano has and I haven’t thrown you out; knock it off with this thou is more diviner crap,” Irina snarled annoyed that again Gerard seemed to forget what he had done to Sophia; he had broken her heart for his half-sister.

However before she could continue there was a noise that stopped them all in the tracks; the three slowly turned to look at Sophia, there was no denying that she had spoken and called for someone.


Her body had never felt this heavy before, her head was killing her and right now all she wanted was answers; she had never felt like this in her life and she wanted to know what the shouting was about.

Slowly opening her brown eyes, Sophia groaned softly as Irina took her hand and smiled at her; she stared at her confused as she tried to blink the heaviness from her mind.

“Don’t you ever scare me again,” the model said as Sophia looked at her confused, she wasn’t sure what had happened to her but she knew it had to be something important if Irina was talking to her.

Cristiano watched Sophia closely as they waited for a doctor to come and look at her, he didn’t know what to say to her after what he had said before she was hit by the car but he knew he had to make things right or he would lose her completely.

The footballer didn’t like the look of confused that covered her features as her eyes locked with his; she stared at him for a moment as if trying to work something out.

“Cristiano… what are you doing here?” she asked, Gerard smirked as he moved closer to the blonde, he knew that she’d never forgive Cristiano for what he had done to her; she deserved better and now he had a chance to win her back.

Irina sent the blonde a concerned look, she didn’t know what it was but something didn’t feel right; she glanced at Cristiano knowing that he deserved a chance to work things out without having Gerard interfering.

“He wants to apologize,” Irina told Sophia who frowned even more confused about what had been said; the blonde looked between the three as if she didn’t know why they were all together.

The model swallowed as she looked at Cristiano before she looked back at Sophia, she didn’t know what it was but she knew that she needed to be sure before she allowed anything else continued.

“I know this sounds strange but Sophia what’s today’s date?” she asked her, Cristiano and Gerard both looked at her worried; neither of them liked where this was going especially with the head injury that the blonde had gotten in her accident.

“12th April 2010,” Sophia replied with certainty, she watched as Cristiano paled at her words while Gerard grinned.

She didn’t remember her and Gerard’s break-up, she didn’t remember her engagement to Cristiano and she didn’t remember how she had loved him before all of this had happened.

It was at that moment that Doctor Diaz arrived to check the blonde over, while Gerard seemed a little too smug at the turn of events; sighing the doctor ushered everyone out so that he could look at Sophia.

Suzanne glared at Cristiano, she couldn’t believe that he had the nerve to show up; she didn’t want him anywhere near her daughter and she was going to make sure that Sophia never saw him again.

“I’m afraid that Sophia has amnesia… she doesn’t remember anything from the past year and a half,” he told them, Cristiano collapsed into a seat as his head started to spin.

Gerard smiled in triumph as he looked over at the Portuguese knowing that he had won.

“Gracias Doctor… you get out,” Suzanna said before turning on Cristiano as Gerard strolled back into the hospital room so that he could comfort his confused ‘girlfriend’; he had no doubt that he could have her back now.

Irina sighed as she moved to comfort Cristiano, offering only a glare at Suzanna as Fiona jumped to his defense; it was clear what was going to happen and it wasn’t fair on anyone especially Sophia.

“Piqué only wants what he can’t have… he’ll toss her aside when he’s bored and go back to his fiancée Isabel; she loves Cristiano madre don’t do this,” Fiona said trying to reason with her mother.

She knew what the footballer had done was wrong but she also knew that her sister loved him more than anything.

Cristiano shot the blonde a thankful look but he knew it was pointless if Sophia couldn’t remember that they were engaged; he would do anything for her however with her family turning against him and Gerard wasn’t just going to walk away.

Irina held him close knowing that this wasn’t going to end well.

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