Chapter Ten: Troubling Discoveries

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Cristiano frowned and glanced at the clock, Sophia had disappeared to the bathroom ten minutes ago and had yet to return; he knew that the was probably a queue but he was starting to worry.

“If she isn’t back in five minutes then we’ll help you go and look for her,” Iker said as he sensed Cristiano’s discomfort and patted him on the back; he didn’t want the forward punching any of the younger players if they had cornered the blonde.

Cristiano looked at him gratefully while Antonio nodded in agreement; the two goalkeepers had meet Sophia when she had first moved to Madrid and saw the blonde as their sister.

Soon the five minutes were over and Iker nodded at Antonio who grabbed the attention of Sergio before the four started their search for Sophia; they knew that a couple of the younger players often didn’t know what the word no meant.

“I shouldn’t have left her alone,” Cristiano said as they checked the upstairs but hadn’t found the blonde.

Iker sighed and looked at Cristiano, he knew that he was worrying about Sophia but the chances are that she was just being chatted up by some of the other players.

“Someone is bound to have seen her… we know everyone at the party,” Sergio said as they quickly searched the upstairs, he knew that she couldn’t have gone far; Cristiano groaned in annoyance wondering where Sophia had disappeared to.

“She’s not with any of the WAGs or the players; that counts most of the guests out,” Antonio said as they watched some of the younger players who were completely drunk messing about as if they had no cares in the world.

“Has anyone seen where that PR Agent from Barcelona went?” Sergio asked as he looked around the hall where they had gathered; he didn’t know why the man had come to this party but they had all found it strange.

Cristiano knew that the two goalkeepers were looking at him but he couldn’t think; why would one of Barcelona’s public relations agents be here if it wasn’t about Sophia, he felt sick wondering why no one had warned him about it.

“Find him,” Iker ordered making Antonio nod as he turned to get whoever wasn’t completely drunk to help him find the public relations agent; he knew that this couldn’t end well if he had come to cause trouble especially if he had gotten Sophia alone.

“Come on Cristiano… we have to find her now,” Iker said knowing that if the public relations agent had been drinking then there was no telling how bad things would be when they finally found the blonde.


Sophia struggled against Stefan’s grip as he pinned her against the outside wall of the house; she had come out here in hopes of losing Stefan, who seemed intent on talking to her no matter how much she wanted to escape from him.

Smirking Stefan pressed a kiss to Sophia head, he couldn’t believe that he had been able to get her alone and no one seemed to be coming to find her; the blonde stiffened as she felt his lips against her head.

“I would never hurt you,” Stefan said making Sophia snort as she struggled to get herself free, she knew where this would be going if she didn’t get away from him; she didn’t want that to happen to her and she could tell in his drunk haze that Stefan wasn’t himself.

“Yes because holding her against a wall says that,” Sergio said making Sophia sigh in relief as she spotted Iker and Cristiano with him.

The three footballers really didn’t look pleased to find her in this position and Stefan looked even less happy that they had been found.

“Can’t you leave us alone… we have some business to take care of,” Stefan slurred making Cristiano frowned but Iker stopped him from approaching the drunk.

They couldn’t risk getting closer to the pair while he still had hold of Sophia, they didn’t know what to expect from the drunken man.

As he leant forward to kiss the blonde again however Sophia was quick to snap her head forward causing it to connect with his nose.

The sickening crush made the blonde smile before she slammed her knee into his crotch causing Stefan to release her so he could grab himself.

Cristiano sighed in relief as he pulled the blonde into his arms, he didn’t know what he would do to Stefan if he didn’t have her in his arms; she was the only thing keeping him from lashing out at the PR agent.

“Get her home… we’ll deal with him,” Iker said darkly making Cristiano nod, he was quick to lead her away knowing whatever Iker and Sergio did it wasn’t going to be pleasant.

The footballer just hoped that they wouldn’t let him get away with what he had tried to do to Sophia.


As soon as Cristiano had left Iker and Sergio turned on Stefan who was frowning at where the blonde had disappeared; his eyes were unfocused and it was clear that he had been doing more than drinking.

“Stay the hell away from Sophia,” Iker warned Stefan who drunkenly smiled at the Spaniard in front of him, Sergio looked at Iker who sighed and nodded at the longer haired man.

The Sevillian smirked before he snapped his hand forward and broke Stefan’s nose which was already bruised.

Stefan cursed and stumbled slight and looked at him as he held his nose, his eyes darkening as he glared at the two footballers; he had no intentions of ever listening to them after having a taste of what he wanted more than anything in the world.

Stefan frowned knowing that this made his plans of freeing Sophia from Cristiano more difficult and he knew that he shouldn’t have approached her drunk but he had finally had the courage to show the blonde how he felt for her.

“The same goes for all Barca… Sophia’s a Madridista now,” Sergio said making Iker smirk as they were joined by Kaka and Antonio; Antonio had passed on the news of what had happened to everyone else.

 Kaka frowned before he punched Stefan who fell back, kneeling he tilted his head as he stared down at the man that had crashed his party; he didn’t know what the man had thought he was doing but he knew that he wasn’t sober.

“You never disrespect a woman like that…” he hissed making the others smirked, they knew that the Brazilian was normally the calm one out of the rest of the team; however he was always willing to defend his friends.

Stefan frowned as he looked at the players and quickly stumbled to his feet, he stared at the footballers before he muttered something in Catalonian before he stumbled away.

This was the end and he was going to do whatever it took to get what he wanted, he didn’t care what it took.

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