Chapter Fifteen: Could It Be

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Groaning Sophia hit ignore on her mobile phone and threw it onto her couch while she continued to do some ironing; her cat looked at the offending object that had landed next to him before looking at his owner.

Joseph had been calling none stop since he had learnt of the disagreement between his two youngest daughters; he didn’t understand why Sophia was refusing to attended her sister’s wedding.

It was clear that Joseph was only interested in having Sophia attend and be a part of Isabel’s wedding and that he didn’t care how much the blonde had been hurt by his favourite daughter.

Sophia sighed and pulled her blonde hair back into a messy bun, she looked at the pile of ironing and frowned; she hated ironing however it gave her time to think about how things were going with Cristiano, who was out with Junior for the day.

Hearing her mobile ring again, Sophia glared at it and frowned before she started to iron again.

Things had been going a little too well for her and Cristiano lately, and Sophia hated to admit it but she was sad that Cristiano had found a way out of their arranged marriage.

Of course, she didn’t want to get married right away but with the way things were going at that moment, she could see herself falling for Cristiano even after eight weeks of being engaged to him.

Only the other night he had taken her out for dinner at local restaurant, the day after he had brought her, her favourite flowers and had taken her and Junior out for lunch.

Sophia bit her lip as she continued to work, she knew that Cristiano didn’t feel the same and that he was still working on ways of escaping their arranged marriage; she was even aware of the fact that he was spending time with Anastasia.


Cristiano returned home from spending the day with his son and smiled as he moved to seek out Sophia; the blonde was relaxing in front of the television in the lounge since she had finished her work and had hidden her mobile in her apartment.

Settling Junior in a play pen, Cristiano sat down next to Sophia to watch some television; the blonde subconsciously curled into Cristiano making him smile as he held her close to him.

The two sat in silence for a few minutes before the doorbell ring making Cristiano look at Sophia who shrugged since they weren’t expecting anyone; the blonde hoped that it wasn’t her father especially since she didn’t want to deal with him right now.

Standing Cristiano made his way to answer the door while Sophia leant against the wall interested to see who it was; she watched him knowing that if it was her father then she would have to deal with it.

“Sorry to disturb you but I have a delivery for a Sophia Collins?” the man said as the footballer opened the door, he looked at the blonde who was stood behind him; jealously flared inside of him as he realised that someone but him was giving her flowers.

The delivery guy rolled his eyes before he handed the flowers to Sophia and left, he was used to being hired by secret admirers to drop off flowers to girls who were in relationships.

Pursing his lips Cristiano watched as Sophia read the note and shrugged, she didn’t know who they were from but she was surprised to see that Cristiano was upset about someone spending her flowers.

“So who sent them?” he asked trying to not sound bothered about the flowers but Sophia could see a hint of jealously in his eyes; she sighed as she looked over the note again as she tried to find a clue as to who was behind this.

The blonde watched Cristiano storm away to the kitchen before she could answer; she listened as he slammed things around the room as she flowed after him and set the flowers down on the breakfast table.

Sophia could see Cristiano gripping the counter with his eyes closed, his knuckles turning white at strength of his grip.

“Cristiano they’re just flowers, I don’t see why you’re getting so upset about this,” she said making Cristiano turn around and glare at her, as he did he couldn’t help the stabbing jealously that rose inside of him; he didn’t want anyone getting close to her but him.

“Flowers that another guy sent you,” he hissed making the blonde look at him confused, she had never seen him act like this before at the idea of someone else liking her or being interested in her.

“Cris, you’re my best friend,” she said making him flinch; he knew she was right but right now that wasn’t what he wanted, she watched as something flickered through his eyes making her stop talking.

“I wouldn’t care that someone’s sending you flowers,” he said confusing Sophia, who looked at him oddly while Cristiano tried to calm himself; it was clear that there was more to that sentence than what he has said.

Closing his eyes, and taking a deep breath Cristiano listened to Sophia carefully approach him and took his hands; slowly he looked at her knowing that he deserved what was happening right now.

“It’s not like you plan on us staying engaged or even get married anyway… so what if some guy decides to send me flowers; I’m still your fiancée for now,” she said looking up into Cristiano’s eyes.

She didn’t know what was going on but she worried for him, it was clear that he was upset about something.

His light brown eyes carefully searched her deeper brown ones until he slowly leant forward and press his lips to Sophia’s; he knew that if he couldn’t talk about this then he would have to show her.

The blonde was quick to wrap her arms around Cristiano’s neck to pull him closer while Cristiano held her waist; Sophia’s body seemed to mould perfectly to Cristiano’s as he slowly moved her back so he could pin her against the wall as their kiss became more heated.

Sophia moaned as her back hit the wall, making Cristiano smirk as he broke the kiss to kiss down her neck gently while Sophia tried to catch her breath; she looked at Cristiano closely as he rested his head against hers.


Anastasia smirked at the man that was sat across from her, she knew that if she wanted to keep Cristiano then this was her best chance; she needed someone to drive a wedges between the couple and she knew that this man was her chance.

“Do we have a deal Daniel?” Anastasia asked the man, who nodded as he pocketed the picture; she smirked as she watched as he drank his coffee before looking over at her.

She had a feeling that when this was over that Cristiano would be hers at last and she would never have to worry about Sophia again.

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