Loki opened his mouth with a retort but her next words silenced him, "I waited for you to come back," she began softly, but her voice hardened, "and when you did, you only brought pain and death."

She simply shook her head; her eyes clearing as though reaching a sudden realization. "I'm done waiting."

Then, without the barest glance at him, Amora turned and walked through the barrier. Loki could only watch as she walked briskly down the hall. Part of him was screaming at him to call out to her, to win her favor once more, but the more stubborn part of his mind crushed that thought. The god of mischief would not apologize; he refused to show such weakness.

Loki knew that he should consider this a victory; one less person to meddle with his life and nag about his actions. But as he leaned back again one of the stark white walls and slid down to the floor, he only felt a crushing weight in his chest as the silence became deafening.

* * *


For a brief moment, Amora almost succumbed to her panic. Her mind was racing almost as fast as her heart as stood just inside the threshold of Loki's cell.

He continued to lie on his bed without making a sound or movement; the barest flicker of his eyes was the only indication that he knew of her--or at least Vanna's--presence. Amora almost hoped that he would ignore her during the entirety of this visit, but she knew that this was a naive hope.

However, he remained motionless, simply staring at the ceiling. Amora felt her resolve away as she observed his state. This was no longer the calm prince of their past. The bags under his eyes contrasted sharply against his pale skin and his sharp features now almost looked sunken. His stillness was not of relaxation; it was tense, as though waiting for something unpleasant.

She mentally berated herself. He had not even spoken a word or given her a glance and she was already rendered frozen

I must do this, she told herself, It is the only way.

Nevertheless, this did not alleviate her nerves. Even though her intentions were for the good of her patients, the facing Loki alone and directly terrified her.

After what felt like an eternity, Loki's green eyes fell on her. The dark look almost made her shiver as annoyance passed over his face. With a loud sigh, he sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed. But it lacked the smoothness of his usual movements and his stiffness was not lost to her.

He is hurting, Amora thought, feeling her heart ache, watching him keep his face turned as he stood with only a slight tremble.

Amora hesitantly let her illusion fall and Vanna's image disappear, tensing up as Loki straightened. His posture and air of confidence returned and as he turned, his smirk masked whatever pain troubled him.

She braced herself for a sharp comment as he opened his mouth, but he froze as soon as their eyes met. Whatever fire that had been in his gaze died as he stood their with his mouth agape. A thick silence filled the air as they stared at each other; only Amora's pounding heartbeat filled her ears.

Amora struggled to hide her inner turmoil as Loki took in her presence. Whatever she had planned to say escaped her and she could only stand there dumbly.

Hundreds of scenarios raced through her mind. How would he greet her? What would his first words to her be?

Would they be of warmth? She could hardly act chummy with a convicted murderer.

2 | 𝐁𝐔𝐑𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐃 ▹ LOKI LAUFEYSONOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz