Chapter Thirty One

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Frowning, I glanced at the large grandfather clock in the room. I knew I didn't have much time left, the guard was sure to catch on if I took one hour to use the bathroom, after all. Bending down, I rifled through the first drawer only to find invoices and bills, along with several checks with more zeros than most binary code.

Shaking my head, I moved tho the drawer below it, and there were many hand-written journals on his business dealings, and nothing more. The plans for the prototype were most likely in a more secure or hidden place, probably in a locked safe.

No matter, I still felt like I was in an action movie right now. Maybe... just maybe, there was a hidden drawer? I stuck my hand in and felt for a loose bottom, but there were none. Sighing in defeat, I moved to the next cupboards, which held awards and trophies in them.

"No, no, no," I chanted quietly, frantically debating my next options. I already took too much time, precious time I didn't have. I had to find it, now. Running across the room to the bookcase, I looked for anything that caught my eye, but none did, they were all simply books.

My breathing quickened as I realized I had knocked a book over. "Shh, quiet," I scolded the book but immediately felt childish doing so. Then I heard a slight whirring sound, and I looked in awe as the bookcase swung around, almost making a full turn then closing again.

A secret room. I grinned and tapped the book again, and the bookcase swung around again. I quickly slid in right before it closed, and I breathed a sigh of relief as I was finally in the room. I coughed and grimaced at the noise that seemed to richochet off everywhere.

Dust was everywhere in the room, and I fumbled around the walls for a light switch, which I flicked on. There was only one lamp in the room, and it emitted a hazy yellow glow which lit up the room. I realized what the blocks were that surrounded the room walls- safes.

And the papers had to be in one of these.

Realizing that pumped adrenaline into my veins, and I quickly turned to the safe closest to me. They were all labeled, thank god, and I grinned when I reached the one labeled 'Plans'. Pulling a bobby pin out of my hair, I stuck it in and unlocked the door, having lots of practice already.

Sticking my hand in, I tried to memorize the placement so I could return it just the way I found it. The first thing I found was a manila folder, and inside were drawings of people- prototypes. I inhaled sharply, and excitedly rifled through the papers. There were lots of drawings, with different models and comments written next to them, as well as suggestions.

I tried to memorize it all, and then moved to the next folder, which were filled with photos. Photos of already built prototypes. I gasped in horror at the photos, and shut my eyes, placing thme back inside and moving on to the next folder.

Inside were letters, of one correspondence to the other. I frowned and opened one of them, pulling out one of the papers disclosed inside. I skimmed it for anything important, surely there would be something of value if they were hidden in this safe.

The city faces a war threat, from none other than the cyborgs. The creations have turned against their creators. The cyborgs are from a rebel camp, and their civilization has grown.

I dropped the letter and blinked. There was a civilized society of rebel cyborgs, and they were planning to attack the city? This was almost too good to be true, but different scenes immediately ran through my mind. The attack could either go great or horribly wrong. There wasn't really an in between.

I stuffed the letter back in the envelope and quickly stuffed everything back in the safe except for a few plans and photos. I knew I didn't have much time left, if any. I locked the safe and then stood up, brushing the dust off of my dress. Then I realized the door was closed, and I didn't know how to open it from the inside.

I felt slightly claustrophobic, and gripped the plans tighter in my hand. The light flickered and went out, and I panicked, feeling my way across the wall. The light wouldn't turn on again, though, and my hands started shaking as I realized there was no way out yet.

I pushed on the bookcase, feeling the surface from the top to bottom, from left to right. Finally, I felt a small groove in the wood, and pressed on it. The door swung open again, and I breathed a sigh of relief. I peeked out and quickly ran out, deciding to run to the first floor. I looked back to see the bookshelf swing close, and it erased any trace of me being in there.

Clutching the files, I sprinted down the hall and crashed headfirst into someone. My heart stopped and I was afraid that it was an official, and that my cover was blown. "Ellery?" I recognized that voice, it belonged to Dane. I opened my eyes as Dane stuck his hand out to help me up.

"I have the files!" I exclaimed quietly, waving it.

He grinned, ferally curling his lips, "Great job, I knew you could do it. But I think the officials have caught on to something, maybe that you spent a little too long? We should probably leave." I nodded and he didn't let go of my hand as we walked back down the hall to the staircase.

A person passed by, and Dane waved at him good-naturally. "Hello," he greeted, and I waved at him slightly, thankful that the plans and photos were in a folder and not out in plain sight.

"What are you doing here, on the second floor? It is currently restricted," The man replied abruptly, his brows furrowing together as he stared at us.

Dane jumped to our rescue. "Oh, was there an announcement on that?" He feigned confusion. "We are a couple that just wanted some private space, and we were told that the second floor was readily avaliable. If not, we could always return to the first floor if it causes any inconvenience."

He pulled me in tighter, and I rested my head on his shoulder, trying to make our lie seem believeable. Dane leaned down and then his lips were against mine. I blinked, then as soon as it happened, he broke off. The man was looking away, and then he nodded.

"Of course, I understand, but I need everyone to clear the floor. Please go to the first floor," The man commanded, and Dane and I nodded in unison. We turned to leave, smiling at him, until the folder slipped out from my sweaty hands.

I gasped as a photo fell out of it. The man immediately noticed it, his eyes zeroing on it. "What- why do you have that?" His eyes widened as we started to run, "Invaders!" He screeched, "Invaders are here!" He pointed a shaking finger at us.

"Run!" Dane yelled at me as I stumbled with my heels. Grunting, I quickly took them off and followed Dane as he pulled me with him. "Faster, Ellery!" He shouted as I trailed behind. Grabbing my hand, he helped me down the stairs as the man chased us.

We finally reached the first floor and we pushed past the party-goers. "Excuse us!" I said, and quickly ran across the dance floor after Dane, who had already reached the front door. I pushed him out the door and we ran down the stone steps and into the car that was currently waiting for us.

Dane and I settled down into the seat and sighed together. "But- we have the files back there-" I shrieked, realizing what we had left behind.

"It's fine, you remember everything, don't you?" Dane asked quietly as he stared out the window again. He still hadn't let go of my hand, gripping it tightly even though we were speeding down the streets.

I nodded, "I think so..."

"What did you see, then?" Dane questioned, staring at me.

I gulped, slightly uncomfortable under his searching gaze. "Rebel cyborgs are planning to attack the city."

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