Chapter Twenty Five

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"So you see," Camden explained over a steaming mug, "we escaped. We are trying to bring change for our kind- good change."

"You are trying to rebel," Etienne leaned back in his chair, the wood creaking with its age and his weight. "And more importantly, you are jeopardizing Rose and I in the process."

"We never meant to," Imogen leaned forward and placed a soft hand on Etienne's, her eyes flickering between him and the woman sitting next to him. "The last thing we would want to do is bring more harm or frustration to your lives."

"We know, dear." Rose shook her head, standing from her perch, and began collecting the cups of coffee from everyone, even though no one had finished. "But if Master Archer finds out- especially if we knew what happened- he'd have all of our heads on a fashionably arranged platter."

Camden opened his mouth to explain, "Rose-"

"None of that, boy." Etienne spoke bitterly, "You've put us in a fix now, and your fate lies in our hands. It's our decision what to do, and no manner of convincing on your part can change that."

"What do you mean?" Camden spoke softly, glancing over to Jonas, who sat with a steely gaze and a tightened jaw.

"Isn't it obvious?" I interjected and chuckled bitterly when everyone's eyes landed on me, "They are going to turn us in, and we are going to end up just like that valet."

"No," Imogen furrowed her brow as she examined the regretful expression on Rose's kindly face, and the irracable one on Etienne's. "You've already decided?"

They were silent, until Camden spoke up, "What if you were to join us?" Rose shook her head but hope shone in her eyes, urging him to continue on. I scoffed quietly. "We could assure you that you would be left with nothing but comfort back at the base- only in exchange for your silence on the matter, and a few helpful hints here and there."

"You couldn't possibly ask something like that of us-"

"Hush, now, Etienne. We aren't unreasonable. We've both experienced pain at the hands of the humans- is seeking retribution really all that far out?"

"Join us," Camden spoke once more, coming to his feet and grasping the back of his chair with white knuckles, "Join our fight."

"We need time to think, boy." Etienne sighed, tapping the side of his thumb against the wooden surface of the table, "and you need to get ready for the day. The master will be up and asking for his breakfast soon." He glanced over to Jonas, "You'll need to dress him."

Jonas cringed slightly, but nodded, rising to his feet, "I'll have him ready." He sent a hard gaze to both the kindly maid and the irritated head chef, "In the meantime you'll be considerate enough to hold your tongues." It wasn't a question, I remarked to myself with a small smile, and I have no doubt that if their tongue do start wagging, Jonas would take care of it.

Etienne gave him a sharp nod, and Jonas went to go open the door leading to the west wing- but it opened before he had a chance. There, in a silken robe and carrying a stern expression, stood Dane Archer.

My stomach dropped, fearing that he had heard our conversation. Everyone stood frozen, even Rose, until she quickly recovered and begin bustling towards him. "Master, good morning to you! You are up very early this morning, but we will have your breakfast and newspaper fetched for you immedia-.

"Enough," Dane silenced, and his eyes flew to mine, "I know that someone left the house last night. I heard them in the hallway."

I cringed internally, knowing that it was me who had brought this on to us. My inexperience jeopardized the others, my carelessness leaving them at the hands of Dane.

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