Chapter Twenty Two

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I shifted in my chair uncomfortably. "Revenge and redemption for what?"

"Humans." Came his short answer.

I frowned and fidgeted with a loose strand of hair. " Revenge on humans? Are you not one yourself, Da- Master Archer?" I asked quietly.

Dane laughed. "We need to get revenge on humans for treating cyborgs this way. Or are you still on their side?" He questions, arching an eyebrow.

I shook my head quickly. "No, of course not. Not after I have seen what they did."

"Good. Then, I will need you to participate in my plan," Dane stared me directly in the eye. "I need you to cooperate and help me."

"What...?" I trailed off, my brows furrowing. "You wouldn't know what to do, though."

Dane just laughed again. "Actually, I do know, Ellery." He pulled a metal object out of his pocket and clicked something. His left eye suddenly grew bright, a luminescent blue. I was sure mine reflected the same image as his. Dane cocked his head and stared at me.

"You-" I choked. "You're a cyborg?" I asked incredulously. "Bu- but- you're one of the city councilmen! They wouldn't hire a cyborg to work, they wouldn't accept you!" Dane sat patiently as I rattled off questions. "How did you even pass their tests? How do you-"

"Now, now, Ellery. One questions at a time," Dane chuckled. "Yes, I am a cyborg. Yes, I work for the city, and I am one of the city councilmen. Yes, they just hired a cyborg, and yes, they did accept me. Otherwise, if they didn't would I be in this position?"

I stared at him, not speaking. Dane sighed. "The answer is no, Ellery," He rolled his eyes.

"But you're a cyborg!" I repeated again.

"Yes, I am quite aware of that," Dane paused. As if he sensed my next question, he spoke again. "I am a cyborg, and I am working for the government, under the government's orders. The government is employing me, and I am to show support to them."

"In exchage for something," I stated. "You wouldn't work willingly under them if they didn't offer you something, right?"

He sighed, but I suspected it was just to fill the silence. Maybe I just imagined it, but his eyes widened and his face showed alarm for a split second. "Yes, they said they would spare my life," He spoke, pushing the detector back into his pocket. Immediately, Dane's left eye grew back to a brown. "But you mustn't tell anyone that I am a cyborg, and that I am not a human."

"You told me," I challenged.

"Yes, I did, but you musn't tell anyone," Dane reiterated, waving his hands around. "Imagine if the public heard of such a scandal. Besides, by then, I would most likely be dead." He pinned me with his gaze. "I am trusting you with this, Ellery, and you must trust me as well if anything is going to work."

I took in a deep breath. "All right. What is this plan of yours?"

He winced. "It's not exactly a plan... I just need you to help me in my... tasks."

"Tasks?" I asked. "Elaborate."

Just as he was about to speak, his phone rang and he gave me an apologetic look, walking to the side of the room and speaking to the phone in hushed whispers. I raised my eyebrows at his actions, suspecting again that he didn't want to answer my question.

Dane finished his phone call and turned towards me, his face in a mask of calm again. "This talk is over, Ellery. I will send for you later. RIght now, I have other matters to attend to. I will ask Etienne to show you your room, which you will be sharing with the other cyborg girl."

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